Carlo Ancelotti en el partido entre el Real Madrid y el Borussia Dortmund en la final de la UEFA Champions League


Ancelotti recants after the commotion caused by his 'rajada' against the Club World Cup

Published:10/06/2024 - 16:18h

Updated:11/06/2024 - 07:46h

Carlo Ancelotti has had to come out to calm the waters after his 'inflammatory' statements about Real Madrid's possible absence from the Club World Cup for financial reasons. These testimonies seem to lack the appropriate context that the Italian intended to convey

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The statements of Carlo Ancelotti on the no assistance of the Real Madrid to the World-wide of Clubs of the FIFA 2025, that will carry out in United States of 15 June to 13 July, have generated an authentic stir in diverse sectors of the international football. 'Carletto' soltó The 'bombazo' recently in an interview with the Italian newspaper 'Il Giornale': "The FIFA can forget of this. Footballers and clubs will not participate in this tournament. An alone party of the Madrid costs 20 millions and the FIFA wants to give us this figure for all the tournament: negative", began saying.

After explaining that the absence of the picture merengue is due to a clear economic unconformity between both parts, sentenced his statement, sustaining: "To the equal that we, other clubs will refuse the invitation", desatando like this an authentic environment of speculation on the future of this competition, for which already there is a total of 29 classified squares.

The impact of the words of the native of Reggiolo was such that the Real Madrid had to issue a communiqué in which aseveraban that "in any moment has questioned the participation in the new World-wide of Clubs that will organise the FIFA in the next season 2024/2025". Besides, in the communiqué ensured that "our club will contest, such as it is planned, this official competition that face proudly and with the maximum illusion to go back to do dream to our million fans by all the world with a new title".

Ancelotti Cleared the controversy behind this situation

However, this was not sufficient, since the own Carlo Ancelotti, through his social networks (@MrAncelotti), expressed his opinion on the controversy generated. "In my interview with Il Giornale, my words about the World-wide of Clubs of the FIFA have not been interpreted of the way that I pretended", began saying.

In this sense, 'Carletto' had to recalcar his satisfaction because the white cast can contest this tournament, dissipating any rumour on the no assistance of the Real Madrid to this new continental appointment. "At all more far of my interest that refuse the possibility to contest a tournament that consider that it can be a big opportunity to follow litigating by big titles with the Real Madrid", resolved.


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