The partners of the Barça, during the Assembly (Image: Twitter @FCBarcelona_is)


Approved accounts: The partners already know the millionaire losses of Barça

Published:20/06/2021 - 19:23h

Updated:20/06/2021 - 22:31h

At the Barça Assembly, Jordi Moix has presented the settlement for the year corresponding to the 19/20 season and the 2020-2021 budget

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the General Assembly of Compromisarios of the FC Barcelona, celebrated this Sunday in the Camp Nou, reviewed several key points of the club. Between them, it was lel report and approval of the liquidación of the corresponding exercise to the season 2019-2020, as well as the one of the budget of the exercise of the campaign 2020-2021, approved by the Managerial Board of Josep María Bartomeu.

The attendant to expose it in front of the Barcelona partners was Jordi Moix, exvicepresidente economic of the club in the last stage of Bartomeu in the Camp Nou. It has desvelado the millionaire losses of the club in the last years, confirming that the financial situation of the club is, a priori, delicate and the culés have red numbers in his accounts.

Regarding the first point, the partners have approved the economic settlement, with deficit of 97 million euros, with 616 votes in favour, 67 against and 68 in white. Moix Has explained that the budget approved two years ago surpassed the billion of euros, with the intention to generate 10 or 11 'kilos' of profits. With the Covid-19, the Barça finished with losses of 100 millions.

"The situation of the gross debt is of 820 millions, but owed us some 300 millions and the net debt is of 498 millions"

One of the big causes of the economic crisis is the high mass salarial of the club in the actuality. It highlighted that "the four last years had the mass salarial between the 60-70%, but with the descent of income are in the point limit of the advisable". Like this then , in the balance there are 1.474 millions in active and the same quantity in passive. "The situation of the gross debt is of 820 millions, but owed us some 300 millions and the net debt is of 498 millions. If it did not go by the pandemia would have a net debt of some 220 millions".

To his time, adimitió that "with this decrease of income, sand surpasses 2% of ratio debt-EBITDA that entered in the statutes like prescriptive. And the net debt is of 488". In spite of the 97 of deficit "and the losses of the first exercise, by the traspaso of Ibrahimovic", the mandate of the managerial board of Bartomeu launched a positive result, destando, on the other hand, that "the audit of these accounts do not include any exception".

"From the Civil War the situation was not so critical"

On the other hand, it recognised that "they are not some good results, is evident", but that "did a pact with the sportive personnel and this allowed a saving of 70 millions", insisting in that "from the Civil War the situation was not so critical". Moix, besides, aseveró that "had an affectation in the income of more than 200 millions and in costs only could reduce some 60 or 70 millions".

Budget of the exercise 2020-2021

Already with the second point, Jordi Moix went back to take the word and expose the budget of the season 2020-2021, presented by the directive of Bartomeu in October of the past year, with income of 828 million income and 796 of costs. The partners approved it with 578 votes in favour, 71 against and 94 in white.

"It has been the worst year and have not been able to fulfil the figures"

In his speech, the ex economic vice-president recognised that "it has been the worst year and have not been able to fulfil the figures since the stadium could not open in all the season", explaining that the Barça foresaw ingresar 25% of capacity in the Camp Nou in February and 50% in May, something that did not happen. Regarding the Museu, said that "to invoice 50 millions to the year in normal conditions has happened to 500.000 euros if it arrives".

Moix Has signalled that "looked for the budgetary balance and with the bet of the Barça Corporate wanted to have a partner that helped us. What want to transmit is that this value is something positive. On the subject of the Superliga also have to be all to one. There is an enormous potential for the big clubs of Europe".

The Barça now is expecting to have the results of the economic audit to give closing to the ejercico 2020-2021, on 30 June, when the managerial board chaired by Joan Laporta will present the accounts to the Assembly, with an alarming forecast of losses of 300 million euros.

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