The Camp Nou, before a match of the FC Barcelona


ANALYSIS: The Barça chooses to his president number 41... Who were the others?

Published:14/01/2021 - 19:17h

Updated:14/01/2021 - 19:17h

In less than two weeks, the partners will choose to the new president that will occupy the vacancy left by Bartomeu the last year. Until the moment, the favourite for the charge is Joan Laporta

Calendar of FC Barcelona

If all course without problems, the FC Barcelona will choose to his new president the Sunday 24 January. Culminated the first stage in which the applicants had to surpass the barrier of 2.257 signatures required, the ballots will have the names of Víctor Font, Toni Freixa and an already known face: Joan Laporta, that aspires to a new mandate.

Each one of them will have of a week to convince with his proposals to the partners of the club, that will deposit his confidence in any of them. In the paper, Laporta splits like favourite afterwards of a successful cycle headed by the institution, but any one of the others candidates could surprise and turn into the maximum jerarca of the Barcelona club, inscribing his name in the following historical list.

Walter Wild (1899-1901)

  • Member of the present founders on 29 November, the Swiss rose to the charge of unanimous form. For then, it was the one of greater age and occupied the charge during three periods. However, it did not reach to culminate his last mandate, since it resigned before the planned.

Bartomeu Terradas Brutau (1901-1902)

  • The treasurer and also integral of the group of founders turned into the first Catalan president in the history of the club after the early abandonment of Wild. Of his management stands out the creation of the Catalan Association of Football, that in a principle did not include to the Espanyol neither to the International.

Paul Haas (1902-1903)

  • A Swiss went back to govern the destinations of the club during a grave year to financial level. It was the first president that did not form part of the founders neither had been player of the FC Barcelona.

Arthur Witty Cotton (1903-1905)

  • The also ex player of British roots formed part of the directive chaired by Terradas, in which it occupied a place like vowel. It was pioneering in adding canteranos to the first team.

Josep Soler (1905-1906)

  • His mandate took place during another year of big difficulties for the club, so much to sportive level like institutional. The fault of titles, defeats of scandal and loss of partners characterised this stage.

Juli Marial Mundet (1906-1908)

  • The problems in the team continued during his period at the head of the Barça. However, it obtained the confidence of the partners when culminating his first mandate and was reelecto in 1907.

Vicenç Reig Viñals (1908)

  • The ex player lived the presidential period more brief in the history of the Catalan entity. Hardly to the 22 days to result elect, presented his resignation. With alone 38 partners, the club was near to disappear. However, it would appear his founder to take the reins, whereas Reig would happen to fulfil other functions in the team.

Joan Gamper (1908-1909, 1910-1913,1917-1919, 1921-1923 and 1924-1925)

  • Hans-Max Gamper Haessig could not assume the control of the club the day of his foundation to the not having the necessary age. Nine years afterwards, could rise to the charge to rescue to the club of a crisis that almost finish with him. During his mandates, the team attained a total of 21 titles, and when abandoning the presidency continued exerting other works in the directive.

Otto Helmut Gmelin (1909-1910)

  • Finalised the first period of Gamper, the club showed a revival that continued under the control of the German before delivering the charge to the Swiss again.During this mandate, modified some symbols, like the uniform and the shield purchased a very similar form to the current.

Francesc of Moxó of Sentmenat (1913-1914)

  • The problems between the club, the Catalan Federation and the Spanish Federation culminated during his presidency. However, it could not finish with the existent division in the breast of the institution neither celebrate some title.

Àlvar Loans Torns (1914)

  • The internal division continue after the course of Francesc of Moxó, what had like consequence an assembly that deposited his confidence in Loans. Nevertheless, the problems continued and decided to separate of the charge three months after his election.

Joaquim Peris of Vargas (1914-1915)

  • Soldier of profession, rose to the charge after the resignation of Loans. It was one of the most controversial leaders in the history of the institution, what caused an uprising of the players in his against. In an occasion even said «the Barça is my club», assuming that it was of his property. It abandoned the presidency when seeing forced by the general captain of Catalonia.

Rafael Llopart Vidaud (1915-1916)

  • With his election, went back the tranquility by means of the consensus and a renewal in all the levels, something that reflected in the sportive field when winning of way invicta the Championship of Catalonia. However, an eliminatory controversy in front of the Real Madrid required of four clashes, and the performance of the referee in the last caused that the culés withdrew of the field. It abandoned the club in spite of that the partners asked him that it continued at the front.

Gaspar Rosés Arús (1916-1917, 1920-1921 and 1930-1931)

  • It assumed the presidency of the club during three periods and established the Catalan like official tongue of the club. The first of them was blurred by the case Garchitorena, a philippine player that deceived to the club when falsifying his papers to pass off as Spanish, with which could contest the Championship of Catalonia. The situation was discovered by the Espanyol, that reported the case to the Catalan Federation. Even so, the Barça lost the points and the championship, what forced his resignation. Later it went back for other two periods that were not exentos of problems inside and out of the field, the last of them marked by the death of Gamper.

Ricard Graells Looked (1919-1920)

  • Concluded the third mandate of Gamper, left a positive balance when adding 3 217 partners. His success extended also to the sportive, with the achievement of the Championship of Catalonia and the Championship of Spain.

Enric Cardona Panella (1923-1924)

  • Successor of the fourth stage of Gamper at the head of the institution, faced difficulties extradeportivas by part of the dictatorial diet of Miguel Primo de Rivera, what derived in attacks to the club, characterised by the Catalan nationalism.

Arcadi Balaguer Coast (1925-1929)

  • His stay in the presidency coincided with a period of dream. In this lapse the team obtained thrice the Championship of Catalonia and the Championship of Spain in two opportunities. However, the Barça saw forced to abandon his Catalan identity, to the time that Gamper was separated.

Tomàs Rosés Ibbotson (1929-1930)

  • During his stage to the control, the club obtained the first Championship of League, in addition to another Championship of Catalonia. However, it occurred another uprising of players that culminated with the mediation of Josep Suñol.

Antoni Oliver Gras (1931)

  • Previously vice-president, assumes the charge after the resignation of Gaspar Rosés. The divisions in the breast of the team continued, what carried it to separate of the charge hardly two months after his designation.

Joan Eat Sarasols (1931-1934)

  • In 1925 it had assumed the presidency of interim form, and his works limited to the administrative field. For his second period had to face up to the aprietos economic owing to the increase in the index cards of the first team, that suffered hard defeats in the tournaments contested. The football lost interest after proclaiming the Republic, with what the club lost partners and income.

Esteve Room Canyadell (1934-1935)

  • It was the called to apply the measures correctivas that the institution needed. The big challenge was to solve the financial and sportive crisis, in front of which could face up with positive results. Besides, under his mandate includes for the first time to a woman in the directive.

Josep Suñol i Garriga (1935-1936)

  • His year headed by the institution culminated with a positive balance in his arks. On the field, the Barça added another Championship of Catalonia and advanced to the final of Glass of 1963, previous to the Civil War. It died tragically during the start of the conflict when being fusilado by the francoist troops.

Francesc Xavier Casals (1937-1939)

  • It assumes the power afterwards of the dissolution of the Committee of Employees and occupied the place until the fall of Barcelona to hands of the francoist army. In spite of the adversities, his management was efficient during the clashes. During this period, the Barça won a Championship of Catalonia and a Catalan League.

Joan Soler Julià (1939-1940)

  • It headed a Managing Commission imposed by the francoist diet and drove to the team until the culmination of the Civil War. It promoted attempts for recovering partners, restructure the staff and the administrative appearances. The Olympic Committee Spanish and the National Committee of Sports put end to his mandate.

Enrique Piñeyro Queralt (1940-1942 and 1942-1943)

  • Tied to the Franco regime, was designated like president of the club. It showed a big delivery to the institution in time of big difficulties, in spite of never have been linked to her. With him, there was some recovery after the sequelas left by the bellicose conflict.

Josep Vidal-Ribas (1942)

  • It headed a managerial commission during 33 days. Also it occupied the charges of vice-president and secretary. In 1953 it chaired a managing commission and signed the renunciation to the Argentinian Alfredo Gave Stéfano.

Josep Antoni of Albert Muntadas (1943)

  • With only a month headed by the Barcelona entity, went the successor of the Marquis of the Table of Horn afterwards of his resignation. Later, it abandoned the charge when being elect vice-president of the Catalan Federation.

Josep Vendrell (1943-1946)

  • Appointed also by the authorities, attained to increase the number of partners and the enlargement of the grandstand of Them Corts. During this period, the Barça won a League and the Glass of Gold.

Agustí Montal i Galobart (1946-1952)

  • The FC Barcelona consolidated in the Spanish football during this period. Two titles of League allowed to celebrate in big the 50 years of the club.

Enric Martí Carreto (1952-1953)

  • The League, The Glass Eva Duarte and the Glass were the sportive attainments of his management. However, the case Gave Stéfano finished causing his resignation.

Francesc Looked-Sans Casacuberta (1953-1961)

  • During this mandate, the Barça reached the Glass of Fairs, two Leagues and two Glasses. It looked-Sans promoted the creation of the Camp Nou.

Antoni Julià of Capmany (1961)

  • It rises to the charge in the middle of a sportive and institutional crisis, that carried it to traspasar to Luis Suárez to the Inter of Milan in return of 25 million pesetas. During this period, the Barça arrives to his first final of the Glass of Europe.

Enric Llaudet Ponsa (1961-1968)

  • It establishes the trophy Joan Gamper and drove to the club in a stage of economic and sportive complications.

Narcís Of Careers Guiteras (1968-1969)

  • When rising after a candidature of unit, coins the sentence «The Barça és més that a club» during his first speech.

Agustí Montal i Coast (1969-1977)

  • Son of another president of the club, is the artífice of the signing of Johan Cruyff. In this lapse, the club recovers his name and Catalan identity.

Raimon Carrasco Azemar (1977-1978)

  • It faced with efficiency and tranquility a stage of transition. The club obtained his Glass number 18 and celebrated the first free elections in the period of postwar period.

Josep Lluís Núñez Clemente (1978-2000)

  • His period was the most extensive in the history of the FC Barcelona. It proposed recover the finances and carry to the club to turn into the best of the world. The Camp Nou was remodelled, created the residence of canteranos in The Farm and a big quantity of trophies added to the vitrinas, including the first Glass of Europe in 1992.

Joan Gaspart i Solves (2000-2003)

  • It was vice-president during the management of Núñez before arriving to the presidency. The sportive attainments did not accompany it during his mandate and the economy crossed difficulties, what caused his resignation.

Enric Reyna i Martínez (2003)

  • It led a period of transition until the celebration of the Extraordinary Assembly in May of this year. Later, it happened the witness to a Managing Commission.

Joan Laporta Estruch (2003-2010)

  • The winner of the elections made in June carried to the Barça to one of his best historical stages to sportive level. During his mandate, the team won two Champions League, a World-wide of Clubs, a Supercopa of Europe, four Leagues, a Glass of Rey, three Supercopas of Spain and in three occasions the Glass Catalonia.

Sandro Rosell i Feliu (2010-2014)

  • With a historical vote, reached the presidency and guided to the institution in a stage that added 60 titles to the vitrinas. The case of Neymar in 2014 caused his exit of form anticipated.

Josep Maria Bartomeu Floreta (2014-2020)

  • It took the reins of the club blaugrana to the exit of Rosell. Under his mandate added the last Champions reached by the group culé. In 2020 it presented his resignation in the frame of an institutional crisis sharpened by the sanitary crisis, that affected gravely the economy of the entity.

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