FC Barcelona shirt for 2022-23. Photo: @FuriaCule20 on Twitter


Barça closes a new sponsorship agreement for the sleeve of the shirt

Published:20/05/2023 - 12:49h

Updated:20/05/2023 - 12:49h

New information ensures that Barça would have everything done to cede the sleeve of the first team shirt to 'Philips', the renowned Dutch technological multinational

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has begun to move index card of face to the future in matter of generation of income. The club wants to reinforce in summer and has achieved to concretise a new agreement of sponsorship by the sleeve of the T-shirt of the first team. As it aims the newspaper 'Sportive World', the benefited will be the technological multinational 'Philips', the one who reached to close a link with the Barcelona Managerial Board.

The company interested four months ago by this active no exploded and finally the negotiations have found a half point that likes to all the parts. The agreement will be by three fixed seasons with two more optional years, since these last years would not be inside the mandate of Joan Laporta and would have to be approved again in 2026.

'Philips' Could generate more than 56 millions to the Barça

Previously it was 'Beko' the one who had the rights of image so much in the T-shirt of the first team as in the one of the trainings. Said sponsorship left a rédito economic in the arks of 19 million euros, an important figure that left to receive the club in 2021. Now, it will be the Dutch company the one who will occupy to fill this space by some montos different that will go in ascending sense.

And it is that the income that will receive the Barcelona will go in increase by each campaign that happen. In the first course will leave 8 million euros, whereas in the second the mount will be of 10 millions and in the third 12 'kilos'. Already in the two optional years, would be 12 and 14 million euros those that would leave 'Philips' respectively, with the conditioning that they will have bonuses that oscillate the million in base to titles obtained.

A movement that 'approach' to Leo Messi

Like this the things, in the dispatches are working day and night to generate income and like this cover all the planning that have in matter of signings. Leo Messi is the priority and this new union with the 'giant' technological approaches to the culés to a new financial record by sponsorships, what benefits to a large extent the possible return of the 'star' Argentinian.

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