THEY NEED 16,500 FOR 17S
The motion of censure against Bartomeu reaches 7,500 signatures
Published:8/09/2020 - 18:11h
Updated:8/09/2020 - 18:11h
The motion of censure against Josep Maria Bartomeu continues from strength to strength and the organizers announced that they have already reached 7,500 signatures. They need 16,500 by September 17, a mission complicated by the pandemic, but possible
Josep Maria Bartomeu and his Managerial Board do not have the approval of an important sector of the barcelonismo from does already quite time. The 2-8 against the Bayern of Munich, LaLiga stray against the Real Madrid and his decision to follow at the head of the club without resigning, has been the drop that has satisfied the glass of a lot of culés. Some of them decided to take letters in the subject and tabled a motion of censorship against the president and his Board.
'Més That a Moció', the group that is promoting this movement against the maximum mandator of the FC Barcelona, has announced this Tuesday that have arrived already to the 7.500 signatures collected. Supported by the precandidatos Víctor Font, Jordi Farré and Lluís Fernández-Allah and several groups of the surroundings blaugrana, this motion follows wind in stern in his attempt for separating of the power to the current directive.
This figure of signatures supposes to have arrived to 45% of which need to attain the aim. It will be necessary that arrive to the 16.500 for 17 September, that is the deadline to present all the signatures in the headquarters of the Catalan club. They remain 10 days to be able to achieve it, by what still there is time, but suits that they hurry, since in these cases the best is to surpass the number of signatures required. This is due to that in a lot of cases refuse by defects of form until 30% of the same.
As it aims 'Sportive World', next Monday, Jordi Farré will summon a press conference in the Cabbage·legi of Enginyers of Barcelona. The precandidato and impulse of 'Més that a Moció' will announce that it goes to open a new form to collect signatures of telematic form. The European Union contemplates this type of things from the 2014, by what of this form would have to be simpler arrive to the 16.500 signatures that ask .
The evolution that there is during this week will be vital to know if they will reach the final aim. The own Farré is optimistic and thinks that there are a lot of possibilities to attain it, but everything will depend on how react the partners of the Barça. Bartomeu and his Board have left dissatisfactions to a lot of blaugrana and that is the advantage with which explain all those that work so that they go of the club.
Messi and his words against Bartomeu
Besides, todo it sucedido with Leo Messi could help to which are working in this motion of censorship. The words of the Argentinian against the president does only some days could be demoledoras for him, since it accused him of liar and criticised his project. The opinion of the rosarino is used to to be very valued by part of all the barcelonismo, by what in this case could finish marking the difference.