Godall, Yuste and Laporta in the loge in a party of the Barça does more than a decade


Godall, with Laporta: "The members of the previous Board must respond"

Published:19/08/2021 - 08:11h

Updated:19/08/2021 - 08:11h

Alfons Godall, current vice president of the Barça Foundation, spoke about the dramatic economic situation of FC Barcelona. The former culé vice president in the first term of Joan Laporta made it clear that the Board of Bartomeu must answer for the losses

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Alfons Godall, ex vice-president of the FC Barcelona in the first mandate of Joan Laporta and current vice-president of the Fundació Barça, spoke in an interview in 'RAC1' on the situation of the culés and of Joan Laporta. The ex director left clear that understands that the current Together finish asking responsibilities to Josep Maria Bartomeu and to his directive for having caused that the Barcelona arrive to this dramatic situation.

"To anybody likes him do suffer to third people, besides know to a lot of people of the board of 2010, to Sandro, to Barto, to Freixa... And memory the bad that happened it, because it is horrifying. The guarantees can ruin to the richest. Therefore, to anybody would like him that this happened. But also it is true that they did it and afterwards tried to arrive to individual agreements or by groups. Emotionally, like person, would not like me ask responsibilities, but if there are losses the board that have generated them has to answer", signalled.

However, himself it wanted to leave clear that no all the errors would have to punish, since it would be necessary to differentiate the bad operations of the illegalities. "I would do a cut between the operations that to eyes of the auditors, the judges or the specialists could be fraudulent, those that are suspicious to having been notarised to prejudice to the club, operations that can have served to take out money of the club to go to extraneous pockets, of operations that have gone out badly but no in bad faith", aimed.

Also it pronounced on the press conference of Laporta speaking on the crisis of the club and went back to insist in that it is necessary to debug responsibilities. "I saw to Laporta very strong, had to ask responsibilities. Has reasons to be it. There is a thing that is very clear: if there are some losses, or answers a board or answers another. The members of the board have to answer by his management and if there are losses have to answer", indicated.

On the other hand, it spoke directly on how it finds the president of the Barcelona by this worrisome situation that has forced to the Barça to give off of Leo Messi. "Of part of Jan there is win of social peace. It has been mesurado and conciliatory until it has gone out this letter of Bartomeu. The problem is the situation of the Barça. It is very touched, have lost to the best player of the world, although it consists of me first hand that Laporta wanted to have Messi", cleared.

Godall Explained why did not want to go in like director

Finally, it explained how it was his return to the Barcelona and why never posed go in like member of the current Managerial Board. "Laporta Called me personally and said me that it would do him illusion that somehow accompanied him. It did not propose me go in in the Board. Jan and I understand us to perfection only with a look and he knew that I could not accept go in in the Board. This gives a lot of respect, because the situation is very delicate and the board entrante had to endorse a very high quantity. I was not had to go in in a situation of risk patrimonial", concluded.

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