Joan Laporta, FC Barcelona's president


Illusion! Joan Laporta thrills to all the Barça with his words

Published:8/03/2021 - 01:40h

Updated:8/03/2021 - 01:40h

Joan Laporta has spoken for the first time after turning into the new president of the FC Barcelona and his speech has filled of hope, emotion and illusion to all the barcelonismo

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Joan Laporta proclaimed as like winner of the presidential elections of the FC Barcelona after achieving 54,28% of the support in the comicios, with a total of 30.184 votes. His first reaction, gathered with all his team, filled of illusion and hope to all the barcelonismo. The already president blaugrana exclaimed, totally thrilled, "Go to Paris to see if we trace back!".

Later, in his first official words at most mandator culé, after his presidency between 2003 and 2010, has gone back to leave clear that will look for to revolutionise to the Barça and guide it again to the sportive and economic glory. Before that at all, it wanted to give "the thanks to the partners and partners that have participated, that do us be more than a club, have been the more elecciónes more important in a situation of maximum, difficulty by the pandemia".

To his time, appreciated to "the managing board by the organisation, to the electoral table and to all the interventores that have participated so that it was the party of the democracy", as well as to "the volunteers that have helped us in this campaign, the longest of the history of the club". It has not forgotten, neither, to Johan Cryuff "that no longer is and that sure that it has helped us. It inspires us in all the big decisions that take", remembering to Jacint Borrás and Armand Carabén, as well as of "our players and players, many of them have come to participate and deserve it to him everything".

"See that the best player of the world, that today have come to vote with his son is a demonstration that it wants to to the Barça"

The president blaugrana showed very thrilled and remembered that Leo Messi went out to exert his right to the vote during the day of the Sunday, something that him ilusiona a lot of. Regarding the captain of the Barça, has aimed that "see him today to vote, see that the best player of the world, that today have come to vote with his son is a demonstration that it wants to to the Barça. That we are a big family. The best of the world wants to to the Barça and ojalá can encourage him to that it continue in the Barça".

It remembers that the Barça is "més that a club"

The maximum Barcelona mandator has wanted to remember that the FC Barcelona is a big family and "més that a club" by what, from now, it will be necessary to row all together in the same direction to recover the best version of the Barcelona entity, very committed sportive and economically in the actuality. Laporta Has highlighted that "we are a big family,have a feeling that joins us, that go to all to the same step, with important challenges, with respect, with dose of optimisms, with the maximum service to the club", insisted.

The new president of the FC Barcelona also is convinced that the club of the City Condal will go back to "be sustainable, that go back the joy. Challenges that sure will achieve, Sure that will surpass the difficulties, that anybody suffer. The partners and partners will keep on being owners of the club", highlighting that "will have maximum responsibility, optimism, positivism, humility, generosity, courage, will escape of the catastrophism to attain the challenges that have proposed us".

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