Joan Laporta complains in press conference


IN RED: Joan Laporta exposes the numbers of Barça's serious economic crisis

Published:16/08/2021 - 12:33h

Updated:17/08/2021 - 09:14h

The president of FC Barcelona, Joan Laporta, has brought to light the real numbers of the current economic crisis of the Barça entity

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After several full weeks of controversies, the president of the FC Barcelona, Joan Laporta, has attended to the media in the Auditori 1899 of the Camp Nou and has desvelado the details of the worrisome economic crisis by which crosses the club in the actuality, that has seen intensified by the pandemia of the coronavirus in the last year and half.

Laporta Has explained that, to penalties arrived to the offices of the Camp Nou, had to ask a credit of 80 million euros "because but could not pay the payrolls". Also it spoke of the urgent works of the Camp Nou that "they were 19 pathologies that have cost 1,1 millions" and has been what allowed that it opened the stadium during the night of this Sunday for the debut suspender belt of the Barça.

"Have losses of 468 millions and already have presented them in LaLiga. The impact Covid is of 91 millions"

However, the thickness of the press conference has had it the report economic of the club. The gravest has been that the maximum mandator has confirmed that "had some expectations before the due Dilligences. Have losses of 468 millions and already have presented them in LaLiga. The impact covid is of 91 millions", likewise "the banking debt has elevated to more than 600 millions".

'Jan' has explained that "have a bottom of negative manoeuvre of 553 millions. It is the difference of what have to and owe us". Desveló, besides, that the Barça "has a negative net heritage of 451 million euros. It has forced us to work to show to our creditores that the club is viable. We have had to show credibility".

"The mass salarial is of 617 millions, what represents 103% of the income"

The same of worrisome is the mass salarial, that supposes at present 103% of the planned income of the club, a 25 or 30% more than the direct competitors of the club. "The mass salarial is of 617 millions", has explained the Barcelona president. The one of the Real Madrid, for example, is of 342 'kilos'. An abysmal difference regarding the one of the Barcelona. Likewise, it confirmed that there has not been discount salarial (referring to the diferimientos of payment of the past year), aiming that "the 68 million supposed discount salarial is not like this. It has moved to payments at the end of the agreements"

Laporta Answers to the "lies" of Bartomeu

In the round of questions, Joan Laporta has spoken on the controversial letter that Josep María Bartomeu moved him does some days. "I have received the letter of the ex-president Bartomeu. The has wanted to make public it, thing that respect. After reading it attentively, see it full of lies and with an effort to justify a management injustificable. It is an exercise of despair that takes advantage of in a moment of convulsion of the barcelonismo", aimed.

"We approve the accounts by technical reasons and not to paralyse the activity of the club"

"All the world knows that we approve the accounts by technical reasons and not to paralyse the activity of the club, but this approval does not validate the period of 2019 to 2020. Already I said that if of the due dilligence derived civil responsibilities, would do it. Neither I share the accounts that does", highlighted in press conference.

Likewise, it highlighted that Bartomeu says that his board is not responsible of the "of the exercise 2020-2021 and are responsible until March of the 2021. The accounts that closed are his responsibility. This already have lived it in the past. They reiterate a lie. In the club was institutionalised that if you repeat a lie turns into reality. It insists in that my management left negative results, when a court left clear that no".