Josep Maria Bartomeu speaks in a presentation


Josep Maria Bartomeu: "It has not crossed my mind to resign"

Published:26/10/2020 - 22:40h

Updated:27/10/2020 - 15:16h

Josep Maria Bartomeu, president of the FC Barcelona, appeared in front of the means to explain the current situation of the club after the last extraordinary board

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Monday, the barcelonismo dawned slope of the possible resignation of Josep Maria Bartomeu and of his managerial board but, by the moment, all will be still in his charges. At least, until the Generalitat of green light to the referendum of the vote of censorship, that sees in threat of suspension by the advance of the coronavirus in Catalonia. After the extraordinary board of this start of week, the president culé has given a press conference.

Josep Maria Bartomeu has given the face so much in his initial speech as in the turn of questions. To the hour to face the vote of censorship, has ensured that has the support of all the directive. "All what today have decided is of unanimous form. The first is the Barça. There is unanimity. Now we are expecting the answer of the Generalitat of if they give the sanitary conditions to make the vote", said.

The maximum mandator of the FC Barcelona ensures that it proposes the Camp Nou like only headquarters of the referendum because the Generalitat has not given the 15 days of margin that the club asked to prepare several headquarters of vote in Catalonia and Spain. "From the first moment have wanted to do a vote decentralised to have more participation and because there is difficulty of mobilisation. During the meetings always have said that need fifteen days because the logistical is very complex. The surprise is when the Thursday confirm us that the vote has to do the 1 and 2 November. They are fifteen days and did not have these days. We ask that they fix other dates. As we do not have these 15 days, have to do it in the Camp Nou, centralised", regretted.

Josep Maria Bartomeu ensured to have had respero by the partners that have signed the motion, but explained that they had suspicions of fraudulent votes."Have all the respect for the partners that have signed. It is not the first time that happens in the history of our club. In relation to the validation, anybody tried to paralyse at all. They put all the indispensable elements for this. There is an episode, where there are some indications, that in the signatures could have fraud, and gave knowledge. This Table of the vote has completed perfectly what asked them . It was exemplary", ensured.

Besides, the Barcelona president denied to speak of if there will be resignation if there is vote of censorship. "Always we have asked that the vote was decentralised to give him greater leadership to the partner. If they answer us that it can not be, the only headquarters is the Camp Nou. When have the answer, will speak of the subject. Speculations will not do them", commented.

"I hammered? It is false that the club paid to criticise to the players"

In a moment given asked him to Josep Maria Bartomeu by how many times had thought in his resignation during the last events, but the president was conclusive. "Any time has gone through me the head the resignation. With the team that there is and with the trainer, is building a good project. Have an important party of Champions. You win them and the illusion are here. I think that more than a title go to win", considered.

Also they asked him if has the feeling that from the Generalitat wants to change the directive of the FC Barcelona. "I expect that no, and I create it. Always we have wanted to save the club of the political and economic powers so that it was independent. I expect that it was not like this and that the Procicat can answer us to the letter to say us which conditions there is", commented.

The maximum mandator of the FC Barcelona descartó that there is time so that the vote of censorship celebrate the 1 and on 2 November. "It is impossible to do the vote decentralised this weekend. We need these days. This has been on the table from the first day. We have to put of agreement to the FCF, to the RFEF and inform to the partners on in which headquarters have to vote", signalled.

Besides it does not consider that it was an irresponsibility not foreseeing this situation before. "We prepare the over time sufficient protocol. Another thing is that the teams of work modified and adapted . In principle it is foreseen a meeting for morning. From the first day knew that these fifteen days were necessary. If it approved , fifteen days later would do the vote of censorship", said, adding that "the validation of the signatures finished, create, on 9 October. From this moment prepare the vote decentralised that it presents roughly the day 14. The club always has worked with sufficient time with different headquarters to boost the vote and that the partners can exert his right the more near possible of his house".

Josep Maria Bartomeu kept firm and left clear that does not have fear to be the first president expelled of the history. "We do not manage the club with fear, want that this improve day in day out. Fear any. It is very important that the partner express . Before doing a vote of censorship it is necessary to explain the management of the club. In this decade have won 22 titles. If it was by fear futbolísticos, is a spectacular figure. There are a lot of things for explaining". It sentenced.

Answer to Gerard Hammered

Recently, Gerard Hammered loaded against the directive of the FC Barcelona by the 'Barçagate'. "To I Hammered we want him a lot. When it spoke of the Barçagate already said him that it was not truth that had spent money in criticising to players in the network and this is what says the audit. Sometimes it is necessary to accept what say the players, but I do not go to argue publicly with any player. It would be very bad movement on my part. The players know that my doors are opened. I also have gone some time to his houses to speak something, but always privately", answered.

Another of the subjects that put on of the table was the controversial discount salarial. "We say that it is an adecuación of the wage to the income of the club, no a discount salarial. This adecuación will finish well, create. I do not have doubt that all the world will do it the best possible so that the club was sustainable and have future. It is necessary to think that we work with a lot of incógnitas, do not know what goes to happen. In these moments what more matters is that there are people in front that it take decisions", said.

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