Joan Laporta, during the presentation of his electoral campaign


Laporta Celebrates the triumph encouraging the classification of the Barça in front of the PSG

Published:8/03/2021 - 07:56h

Updated:9/03/2021 - 01:19h

The new president of the FC Barcelona, Joan Laporta, in style celebrated the electoral result and left a message of breath to look for the epic in Paris

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Joan Laporta adueñó again of the presidency of the FC Barcelona, and celebrates it to his particular style. The samples of euphoria and celebration after desvelarse the result of the comicios electoral, encouraged the night and began to articulate messages for the immediate future. With the sight put in Paris Saint-Germain and an attempt of traced back that it stop to attain only with a miracle, Laporta billed his first message to look for the epic.

The scene developed in the middle of the jubilation that lived in the box of Laporta when Carles Tusquets, president of the current together Agent of the Barça, approached to congratulate to the that resulted elect like the new president of the Barcelona institution. Even, Joan has taken advantage of the occasion to send him a message to the members of his team: "These elections were the most important by the circumstances that are living, have organised of way modélica and want to that you congratulate to the president of the agent, Carles Tusquets", said notably euphoric. Both finished between embraces and offering with digs.

Laporta Ratified his favouritism, as since it announced his precandidatura received a support arrollador by part of the barcelonismo that in the middle of the brutal economic crisis and institutional by which crosses the club, saw in the ex president a light at the end of the dark tunnel. His merits harvested during his presidential stage from 2003 until 2010 backed it, as it went then when the Barcelona lived the most exultant moment in his history. It is therefore that his breath in the achievement of the epic traced back has a special significance.

In search of the impossible

Fall in the Camp Nou in hands of the ones of Mauritius Pochettino in the party of gone of the eighth of final of the UEFA Champions League by a scandalous goleada (1-4) was a very hard estocada for an inspired Barcelona. The power of the Parisian picture desató afterwards that the local group opened the marker thanks to the so much of penal of Messi. Kylian Mbappé Finished being the man of the party, mounted the team to the shoulders and exhibited of astronomical way, without mattering the absence of Neymar Jr.

Considering these factors, difficult return keep the illusion of a traced back. However, the Barça has raised with grow and has showed it in LaLiga and in the Glass of Rey, where traced him back to a big rival. The appointment is pautada in two days, Parisians and Catalans will find , and only one will stamp his name in the quarter-finals. The Paris will have to defend his result, because it will measure in front of a new Barça, and these by dint of harp and hierarchy, will try to do with the ticket clasificatorio.

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