Joan Laporta, in an image of archive as a president of the Barça


Laporta explodes against the "incompetence" of the directive of the Barça

Published:15/08/2020 - 09:59h

Updated:15/08/2020 - 09:59h

Joan Laporta added to Víctor Font and other personalities stood out of the surroundings Barça for blame to the managerial board of Bartomeu of the disaster of the team against the Bayern

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Another of the likely candidates to the presidency of the FC Barcelona in the next months, Joan Laporta, did not doubt in following the line of Víctor Font and smash into the managerial board of Josep Maria Bartomeu with a message through the social networks, in which it ensured that the "incompetence" that have showed the directors culés them "inhabilita" to follow taking decisions that affect to the future of the club.

"After this very painful defeat, the statements of the president Bartomeu are, once again, a sample of cowardice and ineptitude. The incompetence of him and his board the inhabilita to take more decisions that condition the future of the Barça", was what wrote Laporta some hours after the painful defeat of the FC Barcelona against the Bayern Munich (2-8) in the Champions League.

Everything aims to that Laporta, together with Víctor Font, will be one of the big favourites in the next elections to the presidency of the FC Barcelona, that all aims to that will give during the month of March or April, since Bartomeu and his directive would have foreseen to advance some months the comicios.

The ex Catalan president feels with win to initiate a new project like president, afterwards have it been between 2003 and 2010 before Sandro Rosell, and later Josep Maria Bartomeu, took the relief. In general lines the barcelonismo saves a good memory of Joan Laporta like mandator, although some of his excesses like mandator of the club and diverse controversial extradeportivas damaged his image.

Laporta Can take the relief

It was as it was, Laporta is one of the better candidates prepared to take the reins of the FC Barcelona and collect the pieces of a club that needs to go back to join again, like a puzzle. In the last dates insinuated that Laporta and Víctor Font could present a conjoint candidature when having similar ideas on the restructuring of the club.

Shortly after they denied such informations by part of the protagonists, so Laporta and Víctor Font, without despising to the rest of candidates, could be those who finish keeping the definite conflict by the presidency between the suffrage of the partners culés.

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