Laporta, new president of the Barça


Laporta sits on the presidential throne after 18 years: He harvested 12 titles

Published:8/03/2021 - 07:53h

Updated:8/03/2021 - 07:53h

With Pep Guardiola in the bench and Joan Laporta in the presidency, the FC Barcelona lived his golden age, that in which it conquered the mythical sextete

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It was on 15 June 2003 when, against all prognosis, a young lawyer that was to fifteen days to fulfil 41 years, turned into the president of the FC Barcelona, one to the that the Barcelonismo never will forget. In that then, the leader of the candidature 'First, the Barça' arrived to the loge of the Camp Nou surrounded of an enthusiastic managerial cast, between which stood out: Sandro Rosell, Ferran Soriano, Marc Ingla, Alfons Godall or Jaume Ferrer.

'Circle virtuoso'

The new managerial imposed a new model of management, the famous 'circle virtuoso', that had like end resurrect to a team that carried four seasons without heaving a title, and that was out of the ten European clubs with greater income. With the firm determination to give him turn to the club cual "sock", bumped with the wall of an unpleasant surprise in the first celebrated managerial meeting in the room of boards: they found microphones hid.

They were not simple the first months of the new managerial team, because one of the first measures that were adopted was to finish with the prebendas of which benefited the violent groups. These were expelled of the Camp Nou, and without remaining with the arms crossed, loomed of death to the new president.

The arrival of Ronaldinho

It generated an elder like the first sportive decision of calado, in addition to hiring the services of technician to Frank Rijkaard. Those that recently arrived were able to bring to the Camp Nou to the Brazilian Ronaldinho, snatching them the signing to the then all-powerful Real Madrid and Manchester United. Whereas the club went recovering to economic level, the sportive project took a year in giving his first joy and went in the season 2004-05. A title with flavour agridulce after the resignation of five directors by the deep disagreement with the way to manage the club of Laporta and some of his directors. Rosell, Bartomeu, Moix and Monés, left of the institution.

The first big attainment of the Barcelona of this period was the doublet of 2006, with the achievement of LaLiga and the Champions League in Paris in front of the Arsenal. Said triumph was afterwards accompanied of a controversial judicial decision. A judge ordered on 19 June that immediately went summoned elections. It considered that the 15 days that passed from 15 June to 1 July 2003 explained like a year of mandate. It was not necessary to celebrate them, anybody presented and Laporta assumed his second mandate.


Time of crisis

After a pair of campaigns without titles, the opposition of Laporta initiated a process of vote of censorship. Oriol Giralt comandó the movement that attained 60,60% of the votes, very near of 66% necessary. A considerable sector of the board considered that Joan had to resign by the results obtained. It did not do it and it caused the exit of eight directors more: Albert Vicens, Ferran Soriano, Marc Ingla, Toni Rovira, Xavier Cambra, Claudia Live-Iron, Josep Lluís Vilaseca and Evarist Murtra.

Historical mark

It was in 2008 when Laporta decided to bet by Pep Guardiola to direct the new sportive project. Impossible have made a better movement. Without Rijakkard, Ronaldinho neither Deco, was born the one who is considered like the best Barça of all time, apuntalado by big talents formed in the quarry. The Barcelona group of Guardiola enamoró to the world with his football and conquered a milestone that until then anybody had harvested: the sextete.

In 2010 already it finish the mandate Laporta after two mandates consumed. In spite of the sportive bonanza, the candidate continuista of this board, Jaume Ferrer, finished last in the elections celebrated on 13 June of this year, which were won by an absolute majority by Sandro Rosell. To the dessert, Laporta tried to recover the presidency in 2015, but the triplete under the presidency of Bartomeu prevented it to him. But this 2021 arrived his moment of redemption, the lawyer has gone back to conquer the maximum institutional throne when imposing of form arrolladora to Font and Freixa in the elections to the presidency of the club.

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