Xavi Hernández in a match with Al-Sadd


LAST MINUTE: Xavi rules out signing for FC Barcelona in the short term!

Published:18/12/2020 - 18:55h

Updated:18/12/2020 - 18:56h

Xavi Hernández, that had to be the angular stone of the sportive project of Víctor Font, has announced that it still has not arrived the moment to return to the FC Barcelona

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Xavi Hernández, current technician of the To the-Sadd and mythical ex footballer of the FC Barcelona, was one of the big electoral catchwords of face to the elections of the next 24 January and, especially, linked his figure to the candidature of Víctor Font, that considered him the angular stone of his project. However, through an open letter in the National day of Catar, desmarcó of the campaign for the elections and postponed his return to the Camp Nou.

His letter, of course, did not launch the bomb from a start, but it began explaining the changes that has comported him the life in Catar. "[...] Me mudé to Catar to join me to the To the Sadd and prolong my career like player. Mudarnos From Barcelona, my hometown, and a club that love so much, to begin again in an entirely new part of the world, went a good decision so much for me as for my family", said.

In another extract of his letter, elogió to Catar like power futbolística. "In this moment, my passion for playing was so strong as always, but deep down knew that it no longer could contribute as much as had liked me in the field of a club like the Barça, where all the parties have to win . When I discovered the project of the Glass of the World in Catar speaking with friends like Raúl, that already had played here, remained really impressed by what the country wanted to attain inside and out of the field when organising the World-wide [...]", it explained.

"Although more forward it will arrive the moment to give the following step in my career, for now, am concentrated in enjoying of my time here"

Besides, Xavi Hernández appreciated the opportunity to be able to form part of a project in Catar that goes further of the football. "It was a big opportunity for me to follow playing to the football and, at the same time, participate in a bigger project, with the aim to attain big things out of the field through the programs implemented to attain a positive social change further of 2022 [...]", it affirmed.

Xavi Hernández also considered that Catar can have very good paper in the World-wide of 2022, organised in the same country. "With the current rhythm of development and having won recently the Asian Glass of the AFC, think that Catar can compete very well in his first Glass of the World in 2022. The culture of the football is growing to a speed tremenda here and think that the Glass of the World will help to carry them to the following level, no only in Catar but all over the world Arab", commented.

It was just in the last paragraph of his letter, in which Xavi Hernández soltó the 'bomb' desmarcándose of the electoral campaign and postponing his return to the Camp Nou like trainer. "Although more forward it will arrive the moment to give the following step in my career, for now, am concentrated in enjoying my time here and take advantage of to the maximum the opportunity to exert a small paper in the thrilling trip of Catar to 2022", sentenced.

A very clear style for Xavi

Previously to the unexpected denouement of the letter, Xavi Hernández​ reiterated how want to that they play his teams. "It carried me a time adapt me to my new life like trainer, but am enjoying it a lot. My philosophy is the same that when it was player. It likes me that the football play of positive form. Like player liked me have the balloon, keep the possession, go to the attack and create so many occasions as it was possible", said.

Xavi Hernández finish developing this argumentario of game based in the 'DNA Barça'. "Play a football based in the possession, to a fast rhythm, and likes me that my players comprise the importance to play in team. All have to defend together and attack together. Especially, the players have to enjoy playing to the football and the best way to enjoy of the football is to have the balloon, create a lot of occasions and mark a lot of goals. Like this it is as I lived it like player, and like this want that my players experience the fútbolbajo my direction", signalled.

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