The vote of censorship approaches to his aim


Motion of no confidence: Less than 1,000 signatures to put the Board to a vote

Published:6/10/2020 - 16:33h

Updated:6/10/2020 - 16:33h

The vote of censorship against Josep Maria Bartomeu and his board already carries 15.557 signatures validated. They remain 3.715 still pending signatures to validate

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The motion of censorship that presented against Josep Maria Bartomeu and all his Managerial Board follow approaching to his aim. The process of validation of signatures goes on and this Tuesday have reached the 15.557 validated of the 16.972 that have been transacted up to now: 814 they would have been declared invalid and 601 are still in process of validation

The platform 'Més that a moció' presented the past month of September a total 20.687 signatures​ and needs to arrive to the 16.521 to surpass the first phase of the process against Josep Maria Bartomeu and his Managerial Board. To day of today, remain 3.715 ballots for verifying and only need 994 -less than a thousand- valid to step forward.

If it achieves the aim of the motion of censorship, the partners of the FC Barcelona would be summoned in the urns to vote if Josep Maria Bartomeu and his Managerial Board are ceased immediately of his respective charges or if they can exhaust his mandate, that finalises to the term of the present season before the announcement of elections to the presidency.

In case that the motion of censorship threw advance and that the partners ratified it in the urns, the club would remain in hands of a Managing Board chaired by Carles Tusquets, president of the Economic Commission. Said Together would have to summon elections to the presidency in the term of 40 to 90 days, explaining from the moment in which Josep Maria Bartomeu left to exert his functions in the club.

Possible resignation of Josep Maria Bartomeu and his Board

During the last days, the president Josep Maria Bartomeu and his Board have valued the possibility to resign if it arrives to the necessary signatures of the vote of censorship, something that would avoid a referendum with all the ones to lose for the current managerial and that possibly would be a public humiliation, since the majority of lso partners are burned by the management of the club in these last years.

In fact, like this it explained it the director of the FC Barcelona Xavier Vilajoana, offered an interview in RAC1 in which it admitted this posture. "We will gather us to final of week. If it gives , we will debate it and we will put it on the table. In function of the number of signatures, will pose what do", said, adding that "we are very busy. We will be escrupulosos institucionalmente with what mark the statutes".

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