Joan Laporta, president of the FC Barcelona


OFFICIAL: Joan Laporta is FC Barcelona's new president

Published:7/03/2021 - 22:46h

Updated:8/03/2021 - 15:41h

Joan Laporta has arrasado in the presidential elections of the FC Barcelona, surpassing to Víctor Font and Toni Freixa, and converting like this in the new president blaugrana

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has culminated officially his electoral and already has new president, after the resignation of Josep María Bartomeu during the month of October of 2020. After the day of this Sunday, the entity blaugrana has contabilizado all the votes, giving like result that Joan Laporta is the new president of the club, after having surpassed with grow to Víctor Font and Toni Freixa.

With 100% of the votes escrutados, the FC Barcelona has presented to his new president and informed the total of the votes received. Finally, Joan Laporta has had 54,28% of the support, with 30.184 votes. By behind it has remained Víctor Font, with 29,99% (16.679 votes) and Toni Freixa, with 8,58% of the support (4.769 votes). In total, have participated in the comicios electoral 51.632 partners, in addition to 3.628 invalid votes and 351 ballots in white.

Like this then , Joan Laporta will live his second presidential mandate with the intention to retort the attainments that achieved the Barça when it was president, between 2003 and 2010, remembering that in this period was born the generation of gold blaugrana that achieved, between so many titles, a 'sextete' in the season 2008-2009 of League, Glass of Rey, Supercopa of Spain, Champions League, Supercopa of Europe and World-wide of Clubs. Under his management, the Barcelona club touched the sky and now has all the intention to go back to carry to the clués to the highest.

In addition to the big task to head to the entity blaugrana to the highest deportivamente, so much in football, basketball, handball and the rest of disciplines, Joan Laporta and his directive will have the hard and complicated task of sanear economically to the FC Barcelona, that lives a delicate financial moment that has intensified with the pandemia of the coronavirus. On this, in some opportunity, the president aimed that "we will work in the budget of the season 21-22, where calculate that habran gone back the viewers and calculate an income of 65% of what ingresaba before the Covid".

The big challenge of Joan Laporta

If there was a 'hook' of the Catalan lawyer during his candidature, went the full confidence that has showed at all times with the renewal of the agreement of Lionel Messi, captain and big star of the FC Barcelona, that culminates his agreement with the club at the end of this season and still has not decided if it goes to extend his permanence in the team that has seen him grow or, by the contrary, will undertake a new challenge futbolístico.

Although the crack Argentinian already has said that will decide in the summer, Joan Laporta is convinced that, with the project that will present to Messi, will finish remaining in the club further of this campaign. In fact, this Sunday after being questioned in case it would call to Jorge Messi the Monday to speak of the agreement of his son and represented, Laporta said between laughs: "Why tomorrow? I can speak tonight, the night is long".

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