The Real Madrid would have the guarantee of the Fiscalía Anticorrupción to present by own account against the FC Barcelona by the 'case Negreira'. Like this it has it desvelado an information of the 'Chain BE', where ensure that they would exist the proofs and necessary foundations so that the merengues consider as prejudiced by the payments to the exvicepresidente of the Technical Committee of Referees.

In fact, the chain of radius sustains that the predictable would be that the judge finish accepting the presentation of Florentino Pérez like part and also as aggravated in case that it test the supposed crime of corruption and adulteration of the competition. This gives step to that they also can have access to all the documents and proofs that analyse during all the procedure.

Laporta 'Loaded' against the Madrid

All this amplified after the words of the president Joan Laporta in the press conference of this Monday, where attended in front of the media to clear all it sucedido with the payments to José María Enríquez Negreira by referee's advice. In her it accused to the Real Madrid of personarse after all the record that have with referee's controversies and have controlled "during seven decades" the designation of the referees.

This derived in a very hard answer of the white club through a video in social networks, in which they expose different events that link to the Barcelona with the diet of Francisco Franco. In spite of this, several Catalan means and connoisseurs of the history in Spain have denied many of the affirmations of the short film.