Josep Maria Bartomeu, during his resignation


Reactions to Bartomeu's resignation: Laporta, Víctor Font, Jordi Farré ...

Published:28/10/2020 - 01:13h

Updated:28/10/2020 - 01:13h

The ex president of the FC Barcelona Joan Laporta and the precandidato to the elections Víctor Font celebrated the resignation of Josep Maria Bartomeu. Also Jordi Farré or Emili Rousaud

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Joan Laporta, went the president of the FC Barcelona between 2003 and 2010 and won big quantity of titles with the Barcelona club. His sportive successes follow him giving credibility to cover a new project at the head of the entity and is thus that, although it has not ensured it of official form, possibly was presidential candidate in the next elections that will summon in the next months.

After the resignation of Josep Maria Bartomeu and of his Managerial Board at the head of the FC Barcelona, Joan Laporta has reacted with big joy in the social networks. "Already it was hour. At last they open the ways to redo the Barça. Visca The Barça!", it commented the ex Barcelona president -that always showed adherent to support the motion of censorship- through his account of Twitter.

About the resignation of Josep Maria Bartomeu also has pronounced Víctor Font that, unlike Joan Laporta, already announced officially that it will present the next elections of the FC Barcelona. "More than 19.000 partners and partners have signalled the way. Now, the Barça needs a rescue", exposed, also through his personal account of Twitter.

The precandidato added that "tonight I say you with more illusion that never that have the ideas, the team and the push to reconstruct the club". His future project for the Barcelona club calls 'Himself to the Futur' and has settled his bases in some events celebrated previously, in which it has explained how would go focused his candidature in base to a management that allowed to recover the hegemony culé.

Also there were more reactions as, for example, the one of Jordi Farré, impulsor of the motion of censorship against Josep Maria Bartomeu. "I do not seat me a hero for having achieved the resignation of Bartomeu, the heroes are all the partners that supported the motion. The resignation is a good news, but could have us saved the day of today", ensured in statements for 'RAC1'.

In the same emisora, also spoke Emili Rousaud, ex director culé: "The resignation was not the best for the club, there were some elections summoned, but when 20.000 partners support the motion, the club has to give an answer. It is time to to work, look for alternative and look the future with optimism", said, adding that "it is necessary to look for a true union of the barcelonismo, have to be very joined to change this situation. We are looking if we can build a transversal and unitary candidature".

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