Sandro Rosell, in an image of archive


Sandro Rosell 'defends' himself against rumours about the payment of guarantees and 'asks' for recti

Published:21/06/2024 - 18:53h

Updated:21/06/2024 - 18:53h

There is a new controversy at FC Barcelona with Sandro Rossell and the current board of directors of Joan Laporta as protagonists. The former Barça president has asked that the rumours about the endorsements of his mandate be rectified in order to 'clear' his name

Calendar of FC Barcelona

There is 'little' rest in the FC Barcelona. The last controversy in which it has been wrapped the club have been the informations, published by 'The Newspaper' and 'Plough' on that the payment of the guarantees of the managerial board of Sandro Rosell for his mandate, between 2010 and 2014, had been paid with resources of the club. The exmandatario has published an open letter to defend and request a rectification of the informations, that would have been spread by members of the current board of Joan Laporta.

Of agreement to Rosell, are false the informations that the guarantees of his board were funded with resources of the Barça and that, by the contrary, all the members constituted the guarantees, personal and prescriptive, fulfilling the norm. They credited a total of 60 million euros in front of the LFP. It has explained that each one of which conformed his board assumed the total cost of the maintenance of the guarantee along the seasons 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13.

The ex-president culé explains, as it was to expect , that in case that the guarantees had paid with resources of the club, would have committed an irregularity that would have required, immediately, a penalty. Thus, it has requested to Joan Laporta that from the FC Barcelona demand the rectification of the informations issued by 'The Newspaper' and 'Plough'. For the moment, it has not produced an answer or movement by part of the Barcelona club.

The whole letter of Sandro Rosell

To continuation, review the complete writing of Sandro Rossell: "Estimated members of the Managerial Board. In the last weeks have appeared informations in determinate media -specifically the articles of X. Hernández and M. Molina in the PLOUGH and of T. Frieros In the Sport- where said that the current managerial board would have spread that the members of my board (the managerial team that had the honour to chair) from the year 2010 until the 2014, funded his guarantees with resources of the FC Barcelona or of third people, affirming besides that this was a practice normalised".

It has explained, besides, that "still keeping the respectful silence that imposed me from 2014 to the directives that assumed the management of the Club after my mandate, in front of this falsity, see me in the duty to proclaim categorically that all the members of my managerial board constituted the personal and prescriptive guarantees according to the norm. It did of form mancomunada and solidaria in front of the LFP, by a total of 60 million euros. Each one of us assumed entirely the financial cost of the maintenance of the guarantee, paid directly of our pockets and through the corresponding banks, along the seasons 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13, until the ordinary positive results accumulated of our management dispensed us to do it".

It continued explaining that "it could not be of another form since, of not to have it done like this, would have incurred in a grave infringement of the Statutes of the FC Barcelona, of the Ethical Code and of the law. In the case that they did not go true the publications that sustain that from the current board had spread that the guarantees of the members of the board 2010-2014 had been funded with resources of the Club, pray them that you deny it taxativamente and that ask the timely rectification to the means that published it".

It finalised saying that "I take advantage of the occasion, wanted members of the current managerial board, to greet them cordially and wish you all the sportive attainments, economic and social for our dear Club.Sandro Rosell i Feliu. President of the FC Barcelona 2010-2014".

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