The FC Barcelona, after four months, has finally to a new president. Joan Laporta, that already was maximum mandator of the entity blaugrana between 2003 and 2010, will go back to carry the reins of a Barça in crisis, with the full intention to give back to the culés to the glory that already reached during his first mandate when, among others attainments, achieved a 'sextete' historical and was born the generation of Barcelona gold.

With almost 60% of the votes, Joan Laporta goes back to be the leader of the Barça and in the social networks already has been receiving the first congratulations by part of important personalities and, of course, of a barcelonismo that has the illusion to see again to his team in the highest with the management of the Catalan lawyer.

One of the first in reacting to the victory of Laporta has been one of the most important players of the history of the FC Barcelona and the one who went captain of the team by a lot of years, Carles Puyol. The ex defender wrote in his account of Twitter: "Happinesses Joan Laporta, luck and tarpaulins. Big image see to the three together candidates, Víctor Font and Toni Freixa. Visça The Barça!", it wrote.

Besides, it has shared a video of Joan Laporta and members of his candidature celebrating the important triumph, in which the new president culé exclaims: "we Go to Paris to see if we trace back!", referring to the complicated crash that have the ones of Ronald Koeman the next week in the Champions League, in front of the PSG.

Also it has reacted the ex president of the Government of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, that has congratulated to Laporta and to the Uni Girona, champion of the Glass of the Queen of basketball: "Day of sportive joys. The historical victory of the Uni Girona does justice to an effort that comes of far. Congratulations to the team, to Alfred Julbe and to all his fans. And the one of Joan Laporta and his team to the presidency of the FC Barcelona. Happinesses and tarpaulins!", it highlighted in his account.

The ex president of the Real Madrid, Ramón Calderón, congratulated to the maximum madatario blaugrana, highlighting that "as it is my fellow the congratulation is double", wrote.

The ex player of handball of the Barça, Víctor Tomás, has congratulated to Joan Laporta, shortly after that the Barcelona club announced officially the victory of the president: "Congratulations president Laporta. A lot of luck!"

Pep Guardiola, through his team in social networks, has sent a short but important message of congratulation to Joan Laporta, aiming in his social networks "A lot of happinesses, Jan! A lot of happinesses, President! Visca The Barça!", it said the ex trainer and legend blaugrana. Paul Gasol, that signed does a week to turn into player of the FC Barcelona, also shared a message to the president: "Congratulations to Joan Laporta and to all the team of Estimem to the Barça. We expect that these next years are full of successes and joys for the club. Força Barça", wrote in his Twitter.

The ex blaugrana Sergi Barjuan shared a photography in his account of Instagram of the moment in which it was exerting his right to the vote and wrote "Happinesses Joan Laporta, a lot of luck and successes. And congratulate also to Víctor Font and Toni Freixa by the work done!! Now more than ever... All joined! Visca The Barça".

Samuel Eto'or also took his account of Instagram to share an instantaneous beside Joan Laporta and congratulate him: "The sueñor returns to the Camp Nou. Wanted Fellow, now touches you go back to play another party. Good luck", wrote the historical player blaugrana.

Font And Freixa congratulate to Laporta

The 'Fair Play' after the elections between the three candidates, definitely, has filled of optimism and illusion to the barcelonismo, afterwards some electoral campaigns very 'moviditas'. After the Barça announced the first results of the elections, saw to the three candidates embrace and Font and Freixa felictar to the new Barcelona president, leaving backwards any rivalry and celebrating the triumph of the Barcelona entity.

Víctor Font, by his part, Víctor Font, has said in TV3: "I Think that it has been a constructive campaign. It is good for the institution that celebrate a democratic day as to the of today and that congratulate to the winner. Logically they are not the results that wanted, but wanted to appreciate the confidence of the thousands of culés that have supported us. I think that the context in which it is the club has done that there was an effect rebound, struggled against an ex president very known. Against this has been very complicated... I will follow working to ensure that the Barça of the future was as we think that has to be. We have to reflexionar and digest the result, but the illusion to help to transform the club continues alive".

Toni Freixa manifested after the results that "all are of the Barça and the president Laporta has been chosen with a wide majority. We have to go joined and I like partners always will be at the side of the managerial board elected. I do not go to do opposition, think that the FC Barcelona needs unit, go all to one. Have the privilege, the partners of the FC Barcelona, that can choose democratically to our president and at the end the important is that the president is the one of all. My relation with Laporta is very good, wish him the luck and the tarpaulins that needs the Barça to go out of the situation in which it finds ".