The Barça will have more headquarters of vote: Sabadell, Terrassa and L'Hospitalet
Published:16/01/2021 - 21:38h
Updated:16/01/2021 - 21:38h
After the FC Barcelona communicated quee would postpone his elections, will take new measures: vote by post and the habilitation of more headquarters
The FC Barcelona saw forced to postpone the elections with which escojerán to the new president of the club, after the resignation of Josep María Bartomeu during the month of October. The culés had selected on 24 January like the date in which the partners of the club went to displace to exert his right to the vote, but in front of the complicated situation that lives Catalonia (and the whole world) by the pandemia of the coronavirus, the leaders decided to postpone the comicios for when the sanitary situation improve a bit.
Until the moment, has posed on 7 March like the possible date, as they have aimed the same presidential candidates, after a meeting with the members of the Managing Commission that carries the reins of the club. However, the FC Barcelona has not communicated it of official way. Of any way, for when they carry out the elections, will have two big novelties, mainly: the vote by post, that asked Carles Tusquets to the Generalitat, and the habilitation of new headquarters for the votes.
The intention of the club, of course, is to avoid to all coasts the contagions of Covid-19 during the comicios and protect the health of his partners, considering that the majority of them surpass the 50 years and are population of risk regarding the virus. Thus, in addition to expecting that the curve of contagions descend (that it expects that with the measures that are taking , was at the beginning of March), the Barça will begin to work in the enlargement of the headquarters.
For now, as it aims 'Sportive World', is not foreseen to do it of massive form in all the Catalan territory, but yes in those places that are not main of province and that have a big volume of partners. It poses , in this moment, three new: L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Sabadell and Terrassa. The half aims that the club is working in this.
They could add more headquarters
From the FC Barcelona understand that the partners will try to expose the less possible to avoid infect with coronavirus, by what could enable new headquarters, in addition to the three above-mentioned. The valid electoral census aims that they are 110.289 greater partners of age those that will be able to exert the right to the vote and that some 55.000 of them would have remained without doing it in case to have kept the elections for 24 January.
Of the partners, 44% resides in the province of Barcelona, but no in the City Condal that does not have protect to jump the municipal confinement. 'MD' aim, also, that less than the half of the total census could vote in the Camp Nou and the Palau Blaugrana, by what the club definitively would try to add more headquarters.