Xavi Laporta entrenamiento


The date on which Joan Laporta could 'get wet' about Xavi's future at Barça

Published:19/05/2024 - 15:41h

Updated:19/05/2024 - 15:42h

Joan Laporta will soon make an appearance in the media with the purpose of talking about Johan Cruyff's life in relation to FC Barcelona. However, speculation has already begun about whether in that appearance he will also take the opportunity to talk about Xavi's future at the club

Calendar of FC Barcelona

One of the most sounded names in the City Condal in the last days has been the one of Joan Laporta. Why? As supposedly, the Barcelona mandator would be dissatisfied with Xavi Hernández because of the statements that issued before the commitment against the UD Almería. In front of this, rumorea that the maximum representative of the institution culé would be the main interested in propiciar the dismissal of the egarense to the term of this course, in spite of having been one of the main defenders of his continuity like leader of the Barcelona sportive project, which was confirmed does less than a month, the past 25 April.

Nevertheless, at the end of the day, all the exposed on the position of Joan Laporta regarding precipitating the exit of the trainer of Terrassa at the end of the campaign does not happen further of the speculation and the rumours. In fact, the own Xavi was clear in the previous press conference to the clash against the Ray Vallecano, aseverando that has not had any official communication neither with the president neither with any another managerial culé to know the reality of his situation and the origin of these rumours.

Given this stage, suits to know the opinion of Joan Laporta on the continuity of the egarense in the club. In this sense, the Barcelonan lawyer has avoided to speak on this subject in his first public appearance after having generated all this controversy. Said apparition took place the past Saturday in Saragossa, where saw him to the mandator share a food with members of the directive of the FC Barcelona and some gathered in the emblematic restaurant 'The Lobera of Martín' in the Square Spain.

The date in which Joan Laporta could 'wet' on the 'case Xavi'

Even so, it keeps on being an incógnita when will clear Joan Laporta this controversial situation. It seems to have an indication that suggests that next Tuesday 21 May the mandator could tackle this subject, since has programmed an apparition in 'TV3' in this date. However, this appearance will not centre exclusively in the future of Xavi Hernández, but rather in the presentation of the documentary 'The Fitxatge' of Lluís Canut, that analyses several moments of the arrival of Johan Cruyff to the Barça during his stage like player.

It will be necessary to see if Laporta takes advantage of this big opportunity in front of the means to resolve once and for all any rumour on the figure of the technician of Terrassa, already was to dissipate the doubts on his continuity or his possible exit, or if it decides to limit his intervention to remember past periods related with the mythical player and Dutch trainer, a name that is an indisputable reference for the president of the FC Barcelona.

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