Joan Laporta and his team, after winning the elections of the FC Barcelona


The five 'pending' of Joan Laporta like president of the FC Barcelona

Published:8/03/2021 - 14:06h

Updated:8/03/2021 - 18:44h

The new Barcelona president, Joan Laporta, will have cincoretos important to resolve in his first months of management in Can Barça

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona crosses an important sportive crisis and institutional that Joan Laporta, as new president of the club, will have to attend immediately. Between the renewal of agreements of key players of the team, until the effects of the economic crisis that has seen intensified with the pandemia of the coronavirus, the maximum Barcelona mandator confronts to a list of pending subjects that will determine, beyond all doubt, the immediate future of the Barcelona club.

Laporta, days backwards, had aimed that the Barça needs between a year and half or two years to be saneado economically, but everything depends on the evolution of the pandamia of the Covid-19 and the plan of exits of players of the club, as well as the continuity of others, concrete case of Leo Messi, the one who finishes agreement with the blaugrana to final of season and has not decided if it will remain or no in the Camp Nou.

The continuity of Leo Messi

The subject that more concerns to the barcelonismo is the renewal of captain and player more important of the FC Barcelona, Lionel Messi, the one who argues if it will continue or no in the Barcelona picture further of the end of this season, when it wins his agreement. It fits to remember that, after the disaster in the Champions League with the 2-8 in front of the Bayern Munich, 'The Flea' sent a burofax to the directive, directed in this moment by Josep María Bartomeu, asking abandon the club of his life. Finally, with controversy, finished remaining in the Barça but without desvelar if it will renew or no.

Joan Laporta is convinced that it will achieve that the star of Rosario remain in the club, by what does not assume it like a real worry. In his opinion, in what present to the captain culé his project and the reasons to believe in that the Barça can go back to the highest, Messi accedará to a new agreement. Before seating to negotiate with him, will do an audit to know for sure how is the Barcelona entity and, from there, have the bases of a project that ilusione to the Argentinian, much more there of the money.

Relieve the economic crisis

The debt of the FC Barcelona surpasses the billion of euros and Laporta will have to take letters in the subject immediately. The barcelonismo fears that, with so many problems, the club can become a 'SA', but the mandator has repeated in a sinfín of opportunities that that is not an option and that will work for sanear the economy of the club, that influences directly the sportive situation, by the signings and payments to the footballers. The idea of Laporta is to achieve immediate liquidity and that, in a year and half or two, the Barça go back to have a good economic health.

The mass salarial and discounts

Laporta Has inherited one of the big problems of the Managing Commission that carried the reins of the club from the resignation of Bartomeu: the high mass salarial, that can ocasionarle a sanction to the club by Fair Play financial if it surpasses the limits, in addition to the discounts salariales that implemented in the last months. In this sense, the new president will have to negotiate the agreements and arrive to an agreement to satisfy the needs of the footballers without prejudicing the economy of the club.

The Barça Corporate

The new president will have to decide if will carry out the project of the 'Barça Coporate' that looks for to put up for sale 49% of four lines of business that has the club to increase the economic income. It treats of the Barça Academy, with all the schools delivered by the world, Barça Studios, the audiovisual production, Barça Licensing and Merchandising, sale of T-shirts and official products, in general, as well as the Barça Innovation Hub, the area of the club of medical and sportive investigation.

In his electoral campaign, Laporta showed very adherent to carry out the project, but defended in different opportunities that is preferable to close personalised "agreements" for each one of the lines of businesses of the Barça, for like this achieve better economic income.

The 'Espai Barça'

The reform of the sportive city, Camp Nou, among others, has been a very argued subject in the last months and that will require the attention of Laporta and his team of directors immediately. The project already is approved in Assembly and has the agreement of finance of the group of American investment Goldman Sachs, something that closed the past managerial board.

Laporta, in his campaign, aimed that it is necessary first do an auditoía 'due dilligence' before putting hands to the work and, if necessary, modulate orna investment that is of 820 million euros. The president and his team are adherents of the sustainability and have the intention that the project was culminated for the 2024, when the FC Barcelona will celebrate his anniversary number 125.

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