Carles Tusquets in an image of archive


The Generalitat gives the 'OK' to the date of the elections: they will be on January 24

Published:16/11/2020 - 20:58h

Updated:16/11/2020 - 20:58h

The elections to the presidency of the FC Barcelona will be on 24 January, after the Generalitat have given the seen well to the proposal of the club culé

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The past Thursday, announced of official way the date for the elections of the FC Barcelona:​ on 24 January 2021. However, still it was missing a last step so that it confirmed to the one hundred by one hundred that that would be the definite date of the next comicios, and was the seen well of the Government of Catalonia. Something that has given this same Monday after the meeting between both parts.

According to Catalonia Ràdio, the meeting would have taken place in the headquarters of the Conselleria of Sanitat, where the representation of the Catalan government -with Meritxell Masó, secretària general of the Departament of the Presidència; Beth Abad, secretària general d'Inner; Marc Ramentol, secretari general of Salut, and Gerard Figueras, secretari general of l'Esport i of l'Activitat Physical- would have informed to the FC Barcelona about the approval of the proposal of date.

By part of the Barcelona club, would have attended Carles Tusquets, president of the Managing Commission; Sònia Cano, vowel of the Managing Commission; Joan Manuel Trayter, Síndic of the Soci; and Ramon Palou, vowel of the Commission of Control and Transparency. To avoid more economic and greater cost problems of organisation, the organ that directs at present the club after the resignation of the board of Josep Maria Bartomeu opts for celebrating the elections in an alone date.

The voice of the Generalitat

Gerard Figueras, Secretari General of l'Esport of Catalonia, has made some statements published by the media 'Sportive World' in which it valued the meeting of the Catalan government with the FC Barcelona​. "It has been an institutional meeting so that the Managing Commission presented with the wish to work of the hand in a procedure that no longer splits of zero because it is very based in the one of the vote of censorship", explained.

From the Generalitat, gave by good any date always and what respect the sanitary protocol in front of the pandemia. "The day of the elections fixes it the Barça and seems us well any date if they can fulfil the requirements. We have found very good will by part of the Barça", said, adding that it is necessary "maximizar the installations of the FC Barcelona, so much in the Camp Nou with several available esplanades, like the Palau Blaugrana or the Ciutat Esportiva of Sant Joan Despí to guarantee the sanitary measures".

The Managing Commission of the FC Barcelona put on the table the possibility on the electronic vote, but the Secretari General of l'Esport was conclusive with regard to this. "In this subject there is not debate and have communicated to the Agent that can not apply. We modify the law does a month and half for the gobernanza electronic of the clubs but no to vote. Neither it can employ at present the electronic vote for elections for the political institutions", sentenced.

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