Social Media burn! Reactions to the arrests by the 'Barçagate'
Published:1/03/2021 - 14:11h
Updated:1/03/2021 - 14:11h
Social Media have flooded of messages after the investigations of the Mossos in the offices of the FC Barcelona and arrests of four possible involved
This Monday the offices of the FC Barcelona have been visited by the Mossos d'Esquadra in the middle of the investigations of the 'Barçagate', the controversy that destapó during the past year that accuses to the Barcelona picture of defamation and desprestigio to members of the Barcelona surroundings no affine to the Barcelona managerial board, chaired by Josep María Bartomeu in the moment that desveló the camapaña.
The body of security has been inspecting the offices of the Camp Nou to collect information that serve to clear details of the case, on request of the judge of the Court of Instruction number 13 of Barcelona, although the club sent all the infomación required the past year. It treats of the second inspection of the Mossos in a year, after the one of July of 2020.
However, the most stood out news has been that, in the middle of the review in the installations of the FC Barcelona, has ordered the arrest of four possible involved in the case: The ex president of the club, Josep María Bartomeu, Òscar Grau, executive director blaugrana, Román Gómez Ponti, responsible of the juridical services, and Jaume Masferrer, the one who was adviser of confidence of Bartomeu in the Barça. In front of this, the social networks have flooded of reactions against of the ex maximum mandator and company.
I remember you that in all this of the #Barçagate the important is not the that difamasen to players in social networks, but the indications of corruption in the case, with sobreprecios of 600%, ocultamientos to the organ of control and until fictitious dismissals. That is the true scandal.
— Juanma Romero (@Guardiolato) March 1, 2021
Now it did time that Bartomeu no torpedeaba a good party of the Barça.
— Dani Senabre (@danisenabre) March 1, 2021
Almost it missed it.
The president of the Barça. The CEO of the Barça. The boss of the Juridical Services of the Barça. All detained by the Mossos.
— Dani Senabre (@danisenabre) March 1, 2021
? Happy Week of Elections to all!
The offices of the Barcelona. They are already four arrested persons. Between them the ex president of the club Joaep María Bartomeu pic.twitter.com/oa2wlrp9ev
— Alfredo Martínez (@Alfremartinezz) March 1, 2021
Josep Maria Bartomeu said that the problem of the Barça was purely sportive. Now, jointly with other executives, has been detained by disloyal administration and corruption. They do not forget of the damage that have caused him to the Barça. The of today is not more than another consequence. #Boat pic.twitter.com/pwlgmkc9dw
— Miquel Blázquez (@BlazquezFont) March 1, 2021
By the moment, of the presidential candidates of the FC Barcelona only have pronounced directly Toni Freixa and Joan Laporta. The first wrote a message in his account of Twitter aiming that "Too many people wanting to hurt to the Barça. We will not allow it. Never you will walk alone". By his part, Víctor Font has given retweet to a publication of Oriol Soler, director of som.cat, in which it affirmed that we Have to finish totally with the corruption and the corruptelas. It neutralises us, the meritocracia... It is a way to do inherent to a period that does lacking extirpar, if we want to throw forward like country without remorses neither fears. It is the main reason to give him my support to Víctor Font".
Massa gent volent fer Badly to the Barça. No ho permetrem. Mai caminaràs Sun ?❤️
— Toni Freixa (@tonifreixa) March 1, 2021
Hem d'Finish totalment amb the corrupció i amb them corrupteles. Ens neutralitzen, kill the meritocràcia...
— Oriol Soler (@OriolSoler) March 1, 2021
És A way of fer inherent to a època that cal extirpar, if volem throw endavant com to country sense rèmores neither pors.
És The meva raó main per donar suport to @victor_font https://t.co/a5buq19kcl
Toni Freixa has been in 'Catalonia Irradiate' and commented "when there is a judicial performance, the judge if it knows to to the one who is investigating and the entity puts to disposal, would not be necessary to do this register. It supposes that all the documentation is to disposal of the judge. From here, what motivates the entrance and register will know it in the next days".
The also candidate to the elections, Joan Laporta, spoke in 'Lleida UA1' in the moment of the arrest of Bartomeu and company, signalling that "man, first news, first presumption of innocence. It is not a good news neither a pleasant news for the Barça since this person has been president of the FC Barcelona", adding that Bartomeu "although it did not have a good management does not leave to having been president of the FC Barcelona and is a news that is not pleasant for any person. The truth is that it is a news impactante, certainly".
Besides, Elnacional.cat it communicated with the managers of the candidature of Joan Laporta, that remarked the "presumption of innocence, respect for all the judicial and police performances, and regret once again as it remains the reputation of the club that puts in evidence again in the national and international image".
Xavier Room i Martín, economist and publicista that formed part of the directive of Joan Laporta does some years, has left a hard message in his account of Twitter, affirming that "sure enough, sad day for the barcelonismo, but no by mine fault or of Laporta but by fault of which used the money of the Barça to spy players, trainers and opponents".
Efectivament, dia trist pel Barcelonisme, però no per fault meva or of Laporta sinó per blames dels that go utilitzar els diners of the Barça per spy jugadors, entrenadors i adversaris i of tots els that VAU utililitzar i UTILITZEU els sentiments dels seguidors per cover-ho. https://t.co/ytmmqmhgr6
— Xavier Room-i-Martin (@XSalaimartin) March 1, 2021
The 'memes' do act of presence
In addition to the reactions of journalists, personalities of the sport and presidential candidates of the FC Barcelona, the fanatical Barcelona have flooded his accounts of Twitter of messages and memes against of the ex president culé and company. The arrest, think the fanatical, has been another of the big consequences of the bad administration of the already resigned managerial board that chaired Bartomeu.
It fits to remember that the ex maximum mandator has denied at all times his implication in the case and that the 'Barçagate' ocasionó the dismissal and resignation of several members of his administration during the past year. In spite of this, the social networks have 'loaded' in his against and turned into the protagonist of the memes of the beginning of the month of March, that has begun very moved in Can Barça.
— ️️ً (@IniestismxFCB) March 1, 2021
*Twitter Barça*pic.twitter.com/wfeksgj8is
? Exclusive images of the arrest of Bartomeu and cia. pic.twitter.com/cdf4znmpxj
— Sportive world (@MundoDespectivo) March 1, 2021
It filters the arrest of Bartomeu @auronplay involved in his arrest pic.twitter.com/bcejvhhail
— Fever_Culé? (@_XZ_118) March 1, 2021
— nv (@FormulaNico) March 1, 2021
Messi the Wednesday after enterarse of the arrest of Bartomeu: pic.twitter.com/wyh2lltgfb
— Manu. (@ManuBezerraJr) March 1, 2021
Bartomeu trying escape after seeing like 7 mossos of 2 metres him tumbaban the door of his house of a zambombazo pic.twitter.com/8bjhylcwyn
— Manu. (@ManuBezerraJr) March 1, 2021