Víctor Font, answering to the questions of 'FCBN' through Zoom


Víctor Font, against Laporta: "We are a project, he is marketing"

Published:2/01/2021 - 08:25h

Updated:2/01/2021 - 08:25h

Victor Font, prcandidato to the elections of the FC Barcelona that will celebrate to finals of January, conceded a new interview and shot against his big rival, Joan Laporta

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Víctor Font is, by behind Joan Laporta, one of the favourites to win the elections to the presidency of the FC Barcelona of this month of January. The precandidato, leader of the platform 'Himself to the Futur', offered recently an interview for the newspaper 'Ace' in which it left numerous headlines, so much shooting against his big electoral rival as explaining his sportive project.

This Wednesday presented to Xavi and to Jordi Cruyff for his sportive project, although this last did a tuit matizando that still is not in this team. "Already we had explained that Jordi is with agreement in China and is due to his club. It does not know who will win the elections. Xavi has done a bet by Jordi, but is not necessary that take split in the process electoral in a moment in which has agreement with a club and obligations", ensured the precandidato.

In this sense, understands the figure of manager general of Xavi as it does in England. "It is the last manager of the team of football and can be trainer of the first team. Here, we creeemos that, in the case of Xavi, the Barça has an active only. A person that has a talent, some only capacities. We have to create the conditions to avoid that have, with Xavi, another case Pep Guardiola. That trains, empty, and leaves because it wants to continue being trainer in another place. We have to ensure that in the next ten or fifteen years, by not saying more, Xavi was part of the sportive project of the club. And in this function of general manager can have this responsibility", explained.

On the other hand, Víctor Font spoke on the fact to having worked in a project during years but not being favourite. "We had very clear that have the project worked did not involve to have electoral advantage. This explained it to us all the world, that with projects do not win the elections. And surely by this, there is not any precandidato that think that is necessary to prepare a project as we have done it we. But for us it was a fundamental requirement because intuíamos that the club was in a situation of maximum complexity and that without project, and this wants to say have a plan of clear government, the risk would be big. Once done the project, as we are centring us in winning the elections", said.

Víctor Font left clear that wants that Leo Messi follow but that also has plans for when the Argentinian no longer was. "In fact, our aim is that Leo continue being and continue leading the team in the field while he want to follow playing. What himself is that, when we spoke of the Barça post-Messi, surely the best form to define it is the Barça post-only generation of footballers. And this does not happen of a day for another. They were Xavi, Iniesta, Puyol, Hammered, Busquets... And this transition is not of a day for another, raisin in a time. Therefore it is indispensable to have project and have clear how do it. It is what Messi explained us in August, that said oysters, here there is not project, go giving bandazos, put patches. That was his frustration. In this have been", affirmed.

"We have to ensure that Xavi was part of the project during ten or fifteen years; it can not happen the same that with Guardiola"

On the words of Leo Messi in the interview with Jordi Évole, Víctor Font interpreted them of positive form. "As positively, because it is consistent with what have explained. In the short term, it confirms that if there is a sportive project of level can follow. And another, that he expresses openly the wish to do reality what for us is so strategic. And this that the alliance Messi-Barça do long in the time", signalled.

Víctor Font also spoke of economy and of his plan of crash against her. "We know that the economic situation is very critical and therefore there is prepared a plan of crash like part of the plan of government that includes so much refinanciar the debt in the short term because n there is money to pay, like restructuring the costs and the mass salarial. That is to say, next year we will not have sufficient income as to pay to the current staff", explained.

Also it spoke of signings, as it could be the one of Neymar. "When we explain the sportive model that we want to promote, that is that the directors no fichen as it has happened always and that do it those who more know, Neymar can put like example of this. The sportive direction can decide that Neymar interests and that it is necessary ficharlo because it needs an extreme that generate superiorities and that it is an only player in the one against one. But in the Board would say that neither economically, by the cost that has, neither institucionalmente can come a player that has left you thrown and that have no how many lawsuits against the Barça", remembered.

Víctor Font commented also the rivalry with Joan Laporta and put in doubt that this surpass him in charisma. "This is very relative. I do not know it, when have the capacity to mount a project like which have mounted, with people like Antoni Bassas, the doctor Cugat or Toni Nadal, that never had posed work for the Barça because have other things that do in the life, as you have to have vision, charisma and leadership. The banner was a movement of very good marketing and very laportiano, but the club needs capacity of management and solvency contrasted in this appearance by part of the one who lead it. It needs a plan. With a banner do not resolve the problems", aseveró.

The precandidato understands his position in front of Laporta like the confrontation of a project in front of an eslógan. "In fact it is project against marketing or eslógan. Or at least it is what has seen in what we carry of precampaña. We carry long giving details, names, teaching structures, explaining how will change the model of government and of taking of decisions", sentenced.

Víctor Font and his plan for the first days

In the plans of Víctor Font appears to speak with Messi, the audit, fichar... "Have a plan of government for the first 100 days and is this and much more. In fact we have almost defined the diary for the first day. In the diary is to speak with Messi and also put people to work in the audit to see where are. There are a lot of things that do in parallel and complement the staff without doing investments that can not us allow", concluded.


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