Víctor Font in an image of archive


Víctor Font: "Koeman must be thanked for everything he is doing"

Published:10/12/2020 - 18:17h

Updated:10/12/2020 - 18:17h

Víctor Font, a candidate for the presidency of FC Barcelona, ​​presented on Thursday two new members of his candidacy, Maria Teresa Andreu and Joana Barbany. In addition, he spoke on several important issues and inaugurated his electoral headquarters

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Víctor Font took advantage of this Thursday to inaugurate his electoral headquarters and present to two new members of his candidature. Maria Teresa Andreu and Joana Barbany will form part of the Managerial Board of the Catalan in case that it win the elections of the FC Barcelona. The precandidato insisted in the importance to have more women in places of importance and left clear that both have the necessary talent to form part of the Barça.

Besides, the employer spoke of the actuality barcelonista and explained the necessary that it is to form a team of competent work and solid. "We are in a situation of unsteadiness and of fault of leadership. The partners are concerned by the party of the Sunday or the future of Koeman, but it is necessary to understand that all sucede because there is not a structure, therefore Messi wanted to go in summer. It is necessary to have a clear-cut project and a structure", affirmed.

In this sense, did not want to do blood with Ronald Koeman by the results obtained by the Barcelona in this abysmal start of campaign. Font Excused to the Dutch by not having the necessary means as to do well his work. "To Koeman it is necessary to appreciate him all what is doing, but arrives to a club without project, with an economy that does not allow him fichar and with a staff descompensada", commented.

On the other hand, it cleared that his intention is to renew as it was to Leo Messi and that thinks that the Argentinian will expect to after the elections to decide his future. "Anybody has said at all that it do us think that Messi does not go to expect, Leo wants to to the Barça more than anybody, for him had to be very painful go through what happened this summer. The priority from 25 January is to do him see that there is a project and he will give an opportunity to the Barça sure", stood out.

Xavi, a heritage for all the candidatures

Also it wanted to clear that Xavi Hernández would have to be an active for all the candidatures because it is the person indicated to go back to do big to the club. "Xavi is an active only, by knowledge of the club, capacity of leadership, of communication… carry it working years and creating the structure that he wants to. I expect that all have he, because it is heritage of the Barça, but have very clear the role that want that have with me", indicated.

Nevertheless, Font if it recognised that his project carries years speaking with the one of Terrassa and that know better that anybody what do so that it was comfortable and can do of "general manager". "Xavi is not exclusive of this candidature, all the candidates would have to have he. But we carry years working with him and working to create the conditions so that it do not happen as with Pep Guardiola, that train some years and afterwards go to another team. We want that it was a man of club, that do of general manager", finalised.

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