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'Bild': Champions League Barça-Naples would be played in Lisbon

Published:11/06/2020 - 22:21h

Updated:12/06/2020 - 07:20h

The pandemia has forced to modify the calendar of the big leagues, something that will influence in the Champions League, that could contest whole in Lisbon

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The propagation of the coronavirus forced to the world of the sport to suspend all his competitions during some months to avoid that the pandemia kept growing. It does some weeks, the parties of the Bundesliga German restarted and in the present restarts LaLiga Spanish Santander. The Series To Italian and the Premier League English will do it próximamente, tightening his calendar so that there is time so that they play all the parties.

The plan happens because first they finish the domestic competitions and later, in the month of August, play what subtracts of the Champions League. The maximum continental competition, of course, also will suffer changes in this calendar, shortening the number of parties so that they can play all before the start of the new season.

In fact, the rest of the competition could contest to only party in a neutral stadium. The fact that the teams lose the income by taquillas does that this possibility was viable and everything aims, according to several sectors of the press, that the city of Lisbon, capital of Portugal, could house the parties of chambers, semifinals and the big final.

Besides, according to the informations published this Thursday by the newspaper 'Bild' of which has done echo the newspaper 'Sport', the remaining parties of eighth of final could contest also in Lisbon, what would do that the FC Barcelona lost the factor field against the Naples or that the Manchester City did it against the Real Madrid. To fault of official confirmation, the alive teams in the League of Champions will concentrate in Portugal to look for the final.

The Barça needs to increase his level

The FC Barcelona pretends to give the hit in the Champions League, although the team has to improve to be competitive against the biggest. The picture of Quique Setién has not showed, by the moment, neither the defensive consistency neither the offensive potential that had antaño. The speed of circulation of the balloon is not the sufficiently fast, something that does that the team was predictable in attack and remain exposed in the contragolpes.

The antidote for all this is the enormous talent that has the staff culé, although it also will have to have better luck with the injuries that the one who has had until the moment (something difficult after the stop). The technicians and the players know that this team has potential to face up to any rival, reason by which expects that the level of game showed until final of season go of less to more. Besides, the team seems that it has gone back very cool mentally.