Cavani And Neymar, beside Unai Emery in a training of the PSG


Emery Leaves the dispute in hands of Cavani and Neymar

Published:26/09/2017 - 17:35h

Updated:26/09/2017 - 17:36h

Many have signalled him like judge in the conflict, but Unai Emery follows throwing balloons was regarding the conflict in the PSG. The technician has defended that there is peace in his changing room and has ensured that Cavani and Neymar it resolveran between both

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the day before of a proof of level in front of the Bayern of Munich, Unai Emery has presented to a press conference in which the meeting of the PSG in Champions had less weigh that his internal conflict. The preparador Basque has defended the peace in his changing room and has ensured that his stars resolveran his problems by own will.

And it is that to the of Fuenterrabía have insisted him in what will happen if to his team signal him a maximum penalty in favour, something that, for the moment, only has spoken of doors inwards: "Have a lot of smart players to throw the penaltis, and that they want to throw them. With the statistics in the hand, I want to that they are Cavani and Neymar those who share this responsibility. We go to treat to have a lot of penaltis so that the two can have opportunities to throw them".

After going back to repeat his questions, the only that have started to Unai Emery is that "I have said them how go to be the things in the field and also regarding the penaltis". And at all more, because act followed the speech has virado to the Bayern.

Extraneous interest

Although it has achieved to centre the questions in the next rival in the Champions, Unai Emery has had to sortear again the relative informations to a division in his staff, something that has attributed to his recently obtained potential. "We work for doing a very solid team in the interior, without leaks. I am calm, because the team is joined. There are things that go out, that can hurt to the team, go to work to solve it", has explained in the first place.

And after this has concluded aiming that "the team has stepped to compete with the best. Deportivamente Have more enemies, see that this team goes seriously, that is done with big stars, that has advanced to be with the candidates to the League of Champions. It is a process. We are a big enemy for others, therefore it speaks more than us".