The Manchester City directs to a new title of the Premier League after a hard battle against the Liverpool in the final stretch of the season 2021-22. The 'cityzens' depend on yes same to consecrate once again in the English tournament, whereas the team of Merseyside has to expect by a prick of the leader to snatch them the title in the last date.
Of face to the date 38, the trainer of the 'sky blues', Pep Guardiola, has ensured that obtain the title of the English tournament supposes a greater difficulty that be champion of Europe, explaining his reasons: "it would say that it is more difficult. There are a lot of weeks and parties, problems with the injuries, good and bad moments with different situations, difficult opponents".
Likewise, it sustains that be champion of the Premier has a special flavour after all the difficulties that are used to to present along the season: "it Is satisfactory because it is every day. When fights by the Premier League and succeed right at the end, gives you the feeling that you enjoy a lot. We are happier in our lives when we win".
The reasons of Pep to value more the Premier
The number of parties to contest in the English tournament is another of the reasons of the of Santpedor to leave clear which is the level of the competition: "it would love Us be in Paris the next week, but win 38 parties, in place of six, eight or nine is different. Always it has liked me, since it was player. The league is beautiful and are to the edge of this. We are near".
Nevertheless, it has warned that it does not despise the League of Champions, that still continues being the big aim of the City, the one who once again has fallen in the tournament after having been very near in the edition 2020-21, in which the ones of Pep fell in front of Chelsea: "I do not say that the Champions League was not important. We are crazy, crazy for winning it. We want it, we love it".