The president of the PSG Nasser To the Khelaïfi and the Sportive Director of the club Leonardo Nascimento / Photo: Referential


What said the PSG on the banner of the ultras insulting to Shakira

Published:10/03/2021 - 04:48h

Updated:10/03/2021 - 04:48h

A group of ultras of the PSG made an offensive banner against the singer and wife of Gerard Hammered, something that to the directive of the French team did not cause him grace

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Members of the directive of the PSG refused the banner that some ultras of the referred team made with the writing "Shakira à the Jonquera", referring to a city situated between the border of France and Spain where exist several prostíbulos with the purpose to abuse to the sentimental couple of Gerard Hammered.

Like this they said it in statements given to obtains it AFP where expressed his "firm and unambiguous disapproval". Also they made the same statement to the French newspaper Him Parisien with regard to the incident where reiterated his rejection.

The group of ultras responsible of said banner are known like the 'Paname-ReBirth'. These published in networks the images of several banners. Between them, one that said "Barcelona is not welcome" and another that contained the pejorative message against the singer to very little time to celebrate the party of turn of the eighth of final between the Parisian square and the blaugranas.

Until the moments neither the defender of the Barcelona, Gerard Hammered, neither neither the Colombian singer have issued statements on the incident, although a lot of users in social networks expressed his indignation by the incident.

It fits to stand out, that is not the first time that Shakira suffers a similar episode. In a party between the Barcelona and the Espanyol in 2016 corresponding to the turn of the eighth of final of the Glass of Rey, a group of inflate of the referred club also published several offensive banners against the singer and the Barcelona. One of these said "Shakira is of all", something that did not like him neither to Hammered neither to the surroundings of the singer.

More similar cases

Another episode of banners with insults arrived to see previous to the party of gone between the Barcelona and the PSG the past 16 February. The banner in question contained the writing "P… Barça" and did viral in an account of Twitter of fanatical of the combined French. ""A message to the Barça", could read in the account of Twitter @psgcommunity_, where was published the photography. desconoce If those that published this banner of February are the same group that did the banner where abuse to Shakira.

In that then, a group of ultras of the Barcelona called the Boixos Nois, answered to the banner published then by inflate them of the Parisian square. This had the same message, but directed to the PSG: "P… PSG".