One of the messages showed in the Camp Nou during the Barça-Juventus


The UEFA will not sanction to the Barça after the duel in front of the Juventus

Published:15/09/2017 - 20:18h

Updated:16/09/2017 - 12:40h

The UEFA does not have foreseen to sanction to the FC Barcelona by the last messages independentistas and reivindicativos that showed in the Camp Nou during the party against the Juventus. Neither it will do it by the recurrent whistles to the hymn of the Champions

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This past Tuesday, in the Camp Nou went back to see flags independentistas or with messages reivindicativos, welcoming the Juventus of Turín to the 'new Catalan republic' or calling desperately to the possibility to vote in the referendum of the next 1 October with banners as 'SOS Democracy'.

Fortunately for the FC Barcelona, the UEFA does not pose sanction any of said messages, as it neither will analyse neither will sanction the already traditional whistles of the fans culé to the hymn of the Champions League. And it is that all these communicative contents no longer are reason of sanction, after from the past month of June the UEFA have signed an agreement with the Barça and the rest of clubs.

From now the rule of the maximum institution of the European football does not consider punishable these claims, and only will centre in "gestures, words, objects or any another that transmit messages provocativos especially of political character, ideological, religious or offensive".

Therefore, the fans that wish it, are of the FC Barcelona or of any another team that play the Champions League, will be able to follow claiming with total freedom his ideals and giving them visibility first of all the world, taking into account that the Camp Nou is the stadium of football with greater capacity of Europe.

The fans, with greater freedom reivindicativa

The Commission of Discipline of the UEFA, therefore, has stepped forward to the tolerance and will be able to exist peaceful claims like which saw the past Tuesday in the sanctuary blaugrana, just before it gave beginning the FC Barcelona-Juventus and also during the party. The Barça no longer tnendrá that follow wasting money in sanctions.