Video summary: FC Barcelona 3 Liverpool 0 (Gone Semifinals Champions League)
Published:1/05/2019 - 23:34h
Updated:2/05/2019 - 01:51h
Video summary, goals and better played of the FC Barcelona-Liverpool (3-0), relative to the gone of semifinals of the Champions League 2018-19. A goal of Luis Suárez and the magic incomensurable of Leo Messi appeared to rescue to the Barça
The FC Barcelona suffered much more of the expected against the Liverpool in the Camp Nou, until the point that the 'reds' dominated the possession of the meeting during good part of the same and shut to the Barça in his own field. The Camp Nou assisted to a new exhibition of Leo Messi when the team more needed him, with a 'doublet' estratosférico that besides allows him reach the 600 goals with the FC Barcelona along his career. The second goal, of direct fault, went a work of art and serves to guide to the Barça to the final of Champions League of Wanda Metropolitan... As long as the ones of Valverde do the duties in Anfield.
To continuation, you pretesentamos a selection of the best video summaries of the party contested by the FC Barcelona and the Liverpool:
The goals of the party FC Barcelona-Liverpool 3-0
1-0, Luis Suárez, min. 26: The forward charrúa took advantage of a big assistance of Jordi Alba for, launching in iron, send the balloon with the leading at the end of the goal of Alisson. 2-0, Leo Messi, min. 75: Messi initiated the played, Luis Suárez sent the shot to the stick and the same Messi collected the refuse to plant the second in the marker. 3-0, Leo Messi, min. 82: prodigious Shot of direct fault of the Argentinian, that in spite of the lejanía attained to remove the cobwebs of the square.
To continuation, can consult the classification of goleadores of the FC Barcelona in the season 2018-19.