Goal of the PSG to the Barça in the gone of the eighth of final of the Champions League


What will win a club in the Superliga in front of one of Champions

Published:19/04/2021 - 19:35h

Updated:19/04/2021 - 19:35h

The figures that will handle the Superliga are irrefutable for the UEFA, that has increased his prizes but still is very far of the new investors

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In what to the sportive field refers , there is not big differences between the Superliga and the Champions League. Perhaps the most important roots in that 15 clubs, the founders, would have his ticket ensured in each edition. But undoubtedly the argument of weight that does to decant the scales in favour of the Superliga for the big clubs, is the economic. It does not fit doubt that the new competition would report them cuantiosos profits in comparison to the Champions classical, that although it has gone increasing his prizes and emolumentos in the last years does not reach him, neither of far, offer something at least resembled his competitor.

According to the informations spread by The Times and New York Times, each team would have ensured some 350 million alone euros for participating. The communiqué of the Superliga was further: "The payments of solidarity will be greater that the at present generated by the European system of competition and foresees that they surpass the 10.000 million euros along the period of commitment of the clubs. On the other hand, the new competition will build with financial criteria of sustainability, since all the clubs founders engage to adopt a frame of cost. In return of his commitment, the clubs founders will receive, in group, a payment of an alone time of 3.500 million euros devoted only to tackle plans of investment in infrastructures and compensate the impact of the pandemia of the COVID".

It is important to highlight that the figures mentioned would not be the only gain obtained, as it is necessary to add the sportive prizes for being winning, reach the final or arrive to semifinals, in addition to that to television level would generate an a lot greater interest for the operators, and therefore a market pool quite higher that the one of the Champions current.

To the Champions does not reach him

The Champions already knew very well the latent threat of the Superliga, was real and was increasing his prizes of to little. The clubs at present receive €15,25m only for contesting the tournament. The UEFA happened to deliver €1269m to €1950m. 53% more than money. Clearly, this quantity is not sufficient for the big clubs, but has a big importance for small and modest teams that première in the contest.

The criterion by results obtained in the contest has kept this course with regard to the previous. By each victory during the phase of groups, the winner perceives €2,7m and by each tie €900.000. Likewise, for accessing to eighth of final embolsan 9,5 millions, for happening to fourth won €10,5m and for contesting the semifinals €12m. The two teams that access to the big final receive €15m, whereas the champion would carry €4m more. A winner that, therefore, would classify directly to the Supercopa of Europe. This will report him €3,5m more. The Bayern of Munich, champion of the edition 2019/2020, embolsó around €82m solo by this type of prizes.

'Market pool'

292 million euros deliver besides thanks to the market pool. It treats of a system that allocates to each country an estimated quantity of money according to his value like television market for the Champions. It is an enclosed figure for each country that delivers between the teams participants. Therefore, the corresponding money to the French clubs delivers between three teams, whereas the consigned to LaLiga Santander distributes between four.

The distribution of the 'market pool' for a club divides in two halves. 50% distributes in function of the number of parties played in Champions, whereas the another 50% depends on the classification of each team in his domestic league. In the case of the Spanish football, the first will carry 40% (Real Madrid), the second 30% (FC Barcelona), the third 20% (Athletic of Madrid) and the chamber, 10% (Seville).