Against the APOEL Xavi has equalised the historical record of parties contested in the Champions League that up to now possessed in solitary Raúl Gónzalez. With 142, Xavi empata with Raúl and surpasses to Iker Boxes and to Ryan Giggs that have played 141
Xavi Hernández, that has been headline against the Apoel, has equalised the historical record of more parties contested in the UEFA Champions League that up to now possessed in solitary the madridista Raúl. With 142, Xavi Hernández empata with Raúl and surpasses to Iker Boxes and to Ryan Giggs, that have played 141. Besides, it is the first titularity of the of Terrassa this season, after during the summer had especulado with his possible exit of the club.
The midfield player of the Barça has spoken for "Channel " after the party of League of Champions in front of the APOEL. "We have suffered a lot, we have tried it of all the ways. When you see that the things do not go out and happen the minutes and no concrete the clear occasions that have, go 1 to 0 and they grow . It has been a party at the end a bit thicken by ours part", added the "6" of the Barça.
On the record of parties in the Champions, Xavi has showed very happy to have it achieved and has stood out that now the important is "to enjoy of the minutes, play well and be to disposal of the trainer".
Statistics of the FC Barcelona 2014-2015