Sergi Roberto and Umtiti, celebrating the goal that gave the classification


Absolute madness in the narration of the goal of Sergi Roberto!

Published:9/03/2017 - 10:30h

Updated:9/03/2017 - 14:26h

The golazo historical of Sergi Roberto to Paris Saint-Germain no only has given the turn to the world in question of hours, but also they have done it his narration. The emisoras of radius maddened with the target that classified to the FC Barcelona

Calendar of FC Barcelona

As it is natural, the radio narrators -and also television- of the Barça-PSG maddened during the night of this past Wednesday with the classification agónica of the FC Barcelona after the golazo marked in the last sigh by Sergi Roberto, that stirred up all Barcelona and caused an ecstasy that prolonged during hours and hours in the City Condal.

Like this, the locutores of emisoras like the Chain BE, Catalonia Irradiate, Wave Zero, Chain COPE and RAC1, between many others, could not repress a joy and enormous passion after witnessing alive history of the sport in the Champions League.

The craziest narration of the goal of Sergi Roberto

Sergi Roberto achieved a goal that meant to go in for the FC Barcelona again in the annals of the history, this time no by the achievement of a title but by something that surely will finish costing much more that this with the step of the time.

To continuation attach the "tweets" of some of the emisoras quoted previously, that hanged in the social networks how were his apoteósicas narration of the golazo of Sergi Roberto that did to shiver the foundations of the Camp Nou: