The grave indictments that Emili Rousaud poured on the FC Barcelona ensuring that "somebody has put the hand in the box" have had big quantity of reactions. In the first place and as it is logical, went the Barcelona club the one who wanted to answer like institution denying all what the ex vice-president there was desvelado in RAC1 and looming him to undertake legal actions.
This time has been Jordi Calsamiglia, another of the six directors that have resigned of the board of the Barcelona club, the one who has wanted desmarcar of the indictments of Rousaud yde the reasons by which has desligado of the Barcelona entity. It has done it by means of a letter in which it explains his reasons and censors the indictments of the that was favourite to be the dolphin of Josep Maria Bartomeu.
In the first place, it has ensured that the decision to resign took it does time. "Estimated partners and partners of the FC Barcelona, today is a very sad day for me. I have presented my resignation like member of the Managerial Board of the FC Barcelona. It has been a difficult decision that had meditada from does long and that bases in personal reasons and by some discrepancies in the form to manage the club", began.
This yes, the circumstances invited him to go out of the club in this moment. "The last events have precipitated my decision. By reasons of opportunity have considered to present it of form coordinated, in "unit of act" with the others mates of the board that also have decided to resign, but this does not want to say that all share the same reasons", warned.
"I want to express my total discrepancy by his public indictments that affect to the honesty and credibility of the Managerial Board of the FC Barcelona"
It was then when desmarcó of the words of Rousaud. "After listening and read the statements of the Mr. Emili Rousaud in diverse media, want to express my total discrepancy by his public indictments that affect to the honesty and credibility of the Managerial Board of the FC Barcelona and of all and each one of his members. It is not moment to do public indictments in relation to some facts that are being object of an external audit and that it will be presented in the moment that correspond in front of the Managerial Board", affirmed.
In fact, Calsamiglia wanted to encourage to the current board to assume his challenges of future. "Now we are in time of special difficulty. My excompañeros of Board and the executives of the club have to face a capital challenge. It has evidence that me They are encouraging a lot to treat to minimise the damages that is causing this pandemia. I give them my support and spirits to follow working", wrote.
Besides, it asked unit, although it recognised that it can not boast of this. "It touches to walk all together in a same direction: 'Tots units fent força'. It is truth that I am not the example of this slogan but ask to all the barcelonismo, players, employees, directors, executives, future candidates, media... Look to forward and do the possible vine achieve the aim to go back to the place where were before all east wrap and, afterwards, already will touch to review what has done well or bad and, in his case, tackle the folders that have slopes to close", aimed.
It asks changes in the club
Finally, Calsamiglia encouraged to Bartomeu to restructure the organisation chart of the club. "Taking advantage of this confinement, the people devotes to order the cupboard, the drawers, the papers... Also it is a good moment so that the President order the club, the commissions, designate new charges and rearm to face this challenge. A lot of luck!!! Tenim A nom i the sap tothom: Barça, Barça, Barça!!!!", it finalised.