Josep Maria Bartomeu, during an appearance as a president of the Barça


More problems: The judge commissioned of the 'Barçagate' extends the investigation

Published:7/10/2020 - 17:38h

Updated:7/10/2020 - 17:38h

Alejandra Gil, judicial attendant of the controversial event, has given a month to the Mossos d'Esquadra so that they finish to investigate with clarity

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Wednesday gave to know the news that the 'Barçagate', scandal caused when the 'Chain BE' informed that the managerial board of Josep Maria Bartomeu had hired by big sums of money to a company of digital marketing for desprestigiar to the figures of the club through the social networks, including to Lionel Messi, is still in foot.

Alejandra Gil, the judge commissioned to investigate the events related with this shameful fact, has extended the averiguaciones on the same by a month afterwards to find strong indications of crimes committed in the acts that surround to the same. This yes, the magistrate has expressed that the investigation will continue secretly, with the end to avoid "any risk of disappearance of essential proofs", as it commented to the half The Avant-garde.

The indications of disloyal administration that have been found by the Central Unit of Bleaching of Capitals and Economic Crimes of the Mossos signal that some member of the directive of the Barça would have paid to the company I3Ventures a mount until six greater times that handles in the market, with the end of desprestigiar mediantes the social networks to the candidates opositores of the current board of the club, as well as to some players.

In his defence, the mandators of the club delivered to the Mossos an audit that was commissioned to the company Price WaterHouse Cooopers, which launched that the price that the FC Barcelona had paid to I3Ventures by the monitoring of his social networks was inside the market and that any member of the current managerial had given orders of desprestigiar to anybody by means of the use of the digital channels of the club. Anyway, no descarta that the president of the Barcelona entity, Josep Maria Bartomeu, as well as other directors, are quoted like imputed.

Barçagate: Anatomy of a shame

The scandal of the Barçagate exploded the morning of 17 February of this year, when the program 'Què T'hi Jugues' to BE Catalonia ensured that, from finals of 2017, the Barça had hired by the mount of one million euros to the company I3Ventures and the same had been the attendant to make the campaigns of desprestigio against opositores to the managerial board and players.

The fact caused the resignation of six directors of the club, as well as a wave of criticisms for the presidency of the same from the press and, in repeated occasions, the chants of "Bartomeu resignation" by part of the bloated culé, during the parties that contested between the date of the explosion of the scandal and the temporary suspension of the Spanish football by the pandemia of Covid-19. Although it will be necessary to expect to observe the results of the current processes of investigation, is clear that the shame continues in the dispatches of the Camp Nou.