Every time it is more near the celebration of the elections in the Barcelona, one in which it could give the novelty of the electronic vote, given the current situation by the pandemia of the Covid-19. This subject will be one of the points that more leadership will have in the next meetings precampaña electoral, then , although it is not contemplated in the statutes of the club neither in the 'Llei of I"Esport', is a panorama that a lot of precandidatos would be had to accept.
One of which more interest has showed on this situation is the leader of 'Himself to the Futur' and precandidato to the presidency, Víctor Font, the one who has sent a letter to Carles Tusquets, president of the Managing Commission of the club, requesting that of face to the elections implement the electronic vote so that it serve like a mechanism in which the partners of the entity can participate without any problem, given the reality that is living. One of the points for that argues Font in the misiva is that "it is fast to issue and to explain, is sure technologically and allows that the associated vote from house".
However, other candidates as they are it Agustí Benedito and Toni Freixa would not be seeing this proposal of good way, at least for the coming comicios. In the case of Benedito, this posture would be something contradictory, as already in the 2010 the employer had expressed his interest in promoting the electronic suffrage in the Catalan entity if it was chosen like the successor of Joan Laporta.
One of the points that prevents this decision is the decree law that made the Generalitat the past 20 September, in which it enabled to the sportive entities use the digital platforms to have meetings, reach agreements in ordinary assemblies or negotiate the renewal of mandates of the boards of governments. Nevertheless, in the ordenanza forbids choose of electronic way to new members of the Board, change statutes or make votes of censorship. It is thus that Víctor Font has requested that it make an exception for the coming comicios and that publish a new decree law in which it approve the election of the next president of telematic way.
Three in favour and two against
Jordi Farré, precandidato of 'Nou Impuls Barça', also has manifested that it is adherent of the electronic vote, as it expressed that already this proposed it in 2015 but indicated that "unfortunately in these elections will not be able to vote telemáticamente, because there has not been will to promote it. Besides, Perre Laughed, last in adding in the electoral career, thought that this option has to be taken in account, as it does not know if it will be able to make the face-to-face elections as it has come doing always.
On the other hand, the precandidato Toni Feixa is one of which has expressed tajantemente regarding this subject, when commenting that "we do not lose more the time with this subject. It is not contemplated neither allowed the telematic vote in the Llei of I'Esport and is evident that can not make any act against the law… do not understand this obsession for acting against the law and against our statutes".
Added to this finds the applicant to the presidency, Agustí Benedito, the one who indicated that it treats of a debate that does not carry to at all and only will serve to lose the time, when expressing. "Neither it allows it the law, neither allow it the statutes of the club".