Laporta Attains a credit of 500 million euros of Goldman Sachs


Laporta Attains a credit of 500 million euros of Goldman Sachs

Published:18/05/2021 - 23:01h

Updated:18/05/2021 - 23:01h

The Catalan entity will receive 100 million immediate form to face up to the contractual obligations that has before it finalise the course, in an agreement has reached after weeks of negotiations. But the same is not synonymous that Goldman Sachs finish being the only source of financiamiento of the project Espai Barça as it proposed the past administration headed by Josep Maria Batomeu

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The president of the FC Barcelona, Joan Laporta, has attained to arrive to an agreement with Goldman Sachs so that the American investment fund concede him a credit sindicado by the value of some 500 million euros, what will stabilise to the Catalan club and will be able to like this refinanciar the debt. The financiamiento will allow him tackle a remodeling of the first team of face to the next season, which already announced that they will come radical changes, since it considers that the current cycle finish .

It costs to remember, that in the last memory of the club, required that the same presented a debt of 1.173 millions, 730 of which had to clear in the short term. In concrete, the Barça has to, among others, 265 kilos to the banks and some 160 to the sportive personnel of the club. Besides, it has to face up to a broadcast of bonos by a value of 200 million euros. However, with the new credit, from the Barcelona picture considers that with the contribution of Goldman Sachs will have financial stability for this season and the next.

Even, the Catalan entity will receive 100 million immediate form to face up to the contractual obligations that has before it finalise the course, in an agreement has reached after weeks of negotiations. But the same is not synonymous that Goldman Sachs finish being the only source of financiamiento of the project Espai Barça as it proposed the past administration headed by Josep Maria Batomeu.

"I said that at the end of the season would do assessments in function of the results and of the game. We have won the Glass, are very proud, but have deleted us very soon of the Champions and have lost the League of incomprehensible way", expressed Laporta by his part in relation with new sportive project for the first team.

Cycle finish

"For the time being, the feminine football is the one who shows the pride of all the culés and in the masculine football will go in in a process of renewal because it has finish a cycle and in this are working", remarked Laporta, the one who already sustained a meeting the past week with the trainer of the of the culés, Ronald Koeman, whose future hangs of a thread right now.