Leo Messi in a party of League with the Barça


Messi does not hint on his future: "I do not know if I will go me or no of the Barça"

Published:27/12/2020 - 22:46h

Updated:28/12/2020 - 07:26h

Messi has conceded an interview to Jordi Évole in which it has spoken on how lives the start of season, his controversy in the summer and his uncertain future

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Lionel Messi has showed his sincerer side and personnel in an interview conceded to the recognised journalist Jordi Évole in which it spoke on his actuality in the Barcelona club, his future, but also of how has felt during the last months after the burofax that sent the past summer to the managerial culé to ask the exit of the club of his life. The Argentinian, after a lot of months of controversy, has given the face and resolved the rumours to his around. The Argentinian did not give a lot of tracks on his future and has recognised that will expect to take the final decision of if it remains or no in the Barça.

Regarding how it gave the interview, Jordi Évole remembered that it had asked it to him to Messi in the beginning of the confinement, but in this moment had denied by the moment that lived the world and, as it has expressed the same Argentinian, did not believe an expert to speak in this moment. However, it had promised the interview and decided to fulfil his word. "It went you to give the interview and by more than went as it was said you that we went to speak", aimed Messi.

The captain culé was very convincente when Évole asked him on what feels by the T-shirt of the FC Barcelona. It has recognised that for him, the Barça is it everything, "always said it, the Barcelona is my life. It carried here from the 13 years. I grew so much in the club as in the city. I carry but time living in Barcelona that in my country in Argentina. I learnt everything here, grew and the club formed me like player and person, gave it to me all and I always left everything by the Barcelona".

"The last six months a lot of times said him to the president that went me, that already wanted to me go, that help me, that wanted to go out and he no, no, no"

One of the key points of the interview has been that Messi has gone back to touch the subject of the burofax that sent during the summer to the club to announce that it wanted to go out and aimed that it would go back it to send. "It is a way to formalise it and do it official. Vos Are saying that you want to go you but do not do at all to do it. I came him saying all the year, no all the year but yes the last six months a lot of times said him to the president that went me, that already wanted to me go, that help me, that wanted to go out and he no, no, no. Andra a form to say want to go me seriously. It is a form to do it official and that arrive him to the club", recognised.

In this moment, recognised that it was annoying by all what said of him. "It listened to say: 'with all what helped you the club, that saved you the life…'. I am a grateful eternal to all this, as I said I also master to the club, love my city, Barcelona, and seat that I also gave all to the club, a lot of. And that all what gave me the club won it to me and deserved it to me by what did", highlighted. After this, affirmed that it arrived a moment in which it thought that "it had fulfilled a cycle, that needed a change, that my head needed to go out of all this, by the líos that there was in the club in this moment, by what came " and that knew that it went to be a "year of transition, of new people, of young people".

Messi said that it wanted to go and do it well, but afterwards "armed all that wrap, the president of this moment did not want and began to filter things to do me remain badly to me and to be the bad of the film and happened all what happened, but I follow being calm that what did was what felt and what had to do in this moment". Also, it confessed that Bartomeu deceived him "in a lot of things, the truth that in a lot of things" but prefers to not to take it out to the light. "I am not to take out to relucir what said and did not promise but can ensure you that a lot of and in several years", sentenced.

"Luis Suárez went free paying him the years of agreement and gave it to him to a team that went to struggle by the same aims that we"

In spite of all what said in the summer, the exit of Luis Suárez was not the drop that satisfied the glass and ocasionó that took the decision to leave , confirming that it had it decided from before, but that seemed him unal ocura the form in which the Uruguayan forward left of the club "speaking in the concrete case of Luis, by how did the things, by how was , and because it went free paying him the years of agreement and gave it to him to a team that went to struggle by the same aims that we. No only the fact that go that it already was hard, but how was ", confessed.

Of his complicated summer, were born a lot of rumours of an exit to the Manchester City of Pep Guardiola and recognised that it did not know from when did not speak with him, but that "for me is the best. Has something special. It does you see the things of a way… To me calls me a lot the attention how prepares the parties, as it prepared defensivamente and how prepared to attack. It said you exactly where it was the party".

'The Flea' recognised that had the bad luck to be trained by long by figures like Guardiola or Luis Enrique and that "have them so followed and so fast did that I grow a lot in the futbolístico and in the sabiduría tactical that taught me they. I thought that with Guardiola knew it all and afterwards arrived Luis Enrique that it was more or less seemed but taught me more still with small details that he went changing, the same resembled Guardiola but different details that did that it was another thing".

It has not taken a decision regarding his future

To weigh that it had created the expectation that Lionel Messi went to say, at last, if it went to renew his agreement with the FC Barcelona or, instead, went to change of airs, has recognised that goes to expect to take the decision. It was very clear in his position and has said that "I do not have at all clear until it finish the year, voy to expect to that it finish the season, if it would not be breaking what said you now, the important is to think in the team, terminar well the year, think in trying achieve titles and not to distract me in other things".

On what can say him to the barcelonismo, that does not know if it remains or will go , Messi has not wanted to give hopes because it is not sure of what can happen, highlighted that "I do not know if I will go me or no and if I go me, would like me go me of the best way, always speaking hypothetically, would like me go back some day, would like me go back to the city, to work in the club, contribute, that does not happen at all, that the Barcelona is much bigger that any player, even to me obviously, and that ojalá the president that avenges do well the things to go back raise important titles".

His answer arrived after being questioned by the statements of Neymar, when the Brazilian aimed that it would like him go back to play with his ex mate and fellow. "It did not say we go to play, said would like me play… no?. Yes, we speak from time to time. The three or with him or with Luis each day. We keep the relation. With Luis almost every day".

This yes, although it did not speak of his immediate future, if it expressed that it never would play in the Real Madrid or Athletic of Madrid, direct rivals of the Barça, but that sometime would like him play and live in United States. "Always I said that have the illusion that it would like me enjoy of the experience to live in United States, to live this League and this life, but afterwards if raisin or do not know it, is not a now or in the future and therefore I say the to go back", recognised.