Neymar Jr, marking a goal in the final of the Glass of Rey


DANGER: Three clubs could pay the clause of Neymar!

Published:17/06/2016 - 19:33h

Updated:17/06/2016 - 19:33h

One of the representatives of Neymar Jr, Wagner Ribeiro, has conceded some statements in which it ensures that until three clubs would be had to pay the clause of rescission of the Brazilian with the FC Barcelona, of 200 millions

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In an interview conceded during the last hours to "Radius Jovem Bread", one of the most visible representatives of Neymar Jr, Wagner Ribeiro, has desvelado that until three big clubs of Europe would be had to credit the 200 million euros of clause of rescission that has the Brazilian star with the FC Barcelona, popping the market.

"Nowadays there is three big clubs in the world that want to hire to Neymar and pay the clause of 200 million euros to the FC Barcelona", has revealed the agent of the "crack" of the FC Barcelona, without wanting to mention the names of the three teams in question when treating of a confidential "subject", as it has left clear in the interview.

The question is that Neymar Jr still has not renewed with the FC Barcelona and, in spite of that all the parts are very near to arrive to an agreement during the next days, the reality is that it still could take a sudden decision to do the cases course to another big club of Europe in which follow developing his football, after having it won everything in three seasons with the Barça.

While the future of Neymar Jr keep on being an incógnita, the informations on a possible course of the Barça will continue sucediéndose in the media. In the celebration of the doublet in the Camp Nou does some weeks, however, fits to remember that the footballer left clear that felt very to taste in the club.

It knows that in any another part will have the opportunity to win so many titles as in the Barcelona, and this sportive reason would be the main -together with the affinity that has with Messi and Suárez- to remain in the staff of Luis Enrique that, on the other hand, is not at all concerned by the subject.