Frenkie de Jong, praised by his compatriots


Holland trusts that De Jong will make history in Barcelona

Published:19/07/2019 - 17:40h

Updated:19/07/2019 - 17:53h

Frenkie de Jong has arrived at FC Barcelona this summer with the aim of consecrating himself and contributing his quality to the achievement of titles. In Holland there are great hopes in him

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Frenkie Of Jong turned into the first signing of the FC Barcelona of face to the next season. The Dutch midfield player was fichado from January, but was not presented until principles of July. Now, player culé to full effects, is had to do to enjoy to his new fans with his dynamic and blatant game.

And in Holland have big hopes deposited in him. Like this it has seen reflected in an extensive report elaborated by the official means of the FC Barcelona, in which they have desvelado the opinions of some ex Dutch players that went through the Camp Nou and some other technicians that know to perfection the flamante Barcelona midfield player.

Phillip Cocu, ex midfield player culé, thinks that will shine. "We also wanted to it and were about to to bring it, but preferred to go to Amsterdam. It is not easy to combat a footballer with his capacities, with a good positioning, with an enormous vision, but that besides has this capacity to mark you the rhythms of the party, to break with a driving or to offer you a pause. It is very complete and like that of game seems me ideal that can go to the Barça", argued.

Frank of Boer, mythical ex Barcelona defence, compared him with some legends culés. "Has this capacity to assume risks because it dominates a lot the surroundings. When it receives the balloon already has seen where are his mates and how is positioned the rival. This is a virtue that have very few footballers in the world, very characteristic of Busquets, Xavi or Iniesta and that to Of Jong also turns it into a very special footballer", said.

Ronald of Boer, that also happened pro the Camp Nou, remembered that Of Jong comes from of an only generation in the Ajax. "Has a big vision for the pass, but also is very well breaking in driving, is unpredictable. Memory that the year that was in the filial, beside players like Abdelhak Nouri, Matthijs of Ligt or Donny go of Beek, there were people that had more win to see them to them that to the first team", aimed.

Alfred Schreuder, ex member of the technical body of the Ajax, stood out the polivalencia and versatility of the midfield player of Arkel. "Frenkie Could play in the position of the field that gave him wins it. First because has conditions and, second, because it loves what does, dies of win to progress", exposed.

Pol Llonch, Catalan midfield player of the Williem II, admitted last it that it is to be rival of Of Jong, playing besides in his same position. "Play against him is complicated because it moves a lot, is in all the phases of the game, goes to look for the ball near of the defence and has an enormous capacity to manage it", remembered.

Be small was not problem for Of Jong

Jan go Loon and Jos Boger, ex technicians of Of Jong, explained that have a little conclusive physicist never prejudiced him. "If it did not go by the passion that generates him the football, would have been him very complicated arrive to this level, because of boy was very small, more than his mates of generation", said Go Loon; to what Boger added: "it Was small, but neither this generated him a trauma in any moment. Because it already had the intelligence that needed so that the physicist was not a problem, to go a second before that his rivals".