Gerard Hammered in a warming of the Barça


Piqué cuts deadlines and works to return against PSG

Published:1/02/2021 - 18:12h

Updated:2/02/2021 - 22:43h

Gerard Piqué continues to recover from his serious injury and it seems that every time he is closer to returning. The defender is working to be available for the Champions League round of 16 against PSG

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Gerard Hammered lesionó the past 21 November, when during the Athletic of Madrid-FC Barcelona, the defender bumped inoportunamente against Ángel Correa and his roller remained tremendously touched by the hit. Ronald Koeman​ had to substitute him in the minute 56 of game and already in this moment gave the impression that it could be something important. Later, the medical proofs that did him to the finished confirming what already intuía, that had something grave in the knee.

Specifically, the defender suffered a sprain of degree 3 in the internal lateral ligament and partial injury of the ligament crossed previous of the right knee. An injury complicated that was about to to pass off as him the operating theatre, although finally he same the descartó. The Barcelonan preferred to recover with a conservative treatment for of this form can return in the lower possible time to the terrains of game.

In a first moment, gave the impression that I Hammered did not go to be able to go back until finals of March or even beginnings of April, but in 'Sportive World' ensure that his recovery goes much better of what thought. In the Catalan newspaper affirm that everything is going very well and that the feelings of the player are every time better. So good, that even comments that it could reappear of face to the eighth of final of Champions League.

The Barça will confront to Paris Saint-Germain in this round and the central thinks that could be recovered even for the gone, that contests the the Tuesday 16 February. According to the program of radio 'Què t'hi jugues' of the 'Chain BE', the own footballer is the one who has marked this meeting like aim. The ex international Spanish wants to be against the French and goes to do all the possible to attain it in the two weeks that remain him by in front.

The Catalan defender is fulfilling to rajatabla all what has to do and his knee every time is better. From it does more than a week, Gerard is making continuous career and work in the gymnasium with the intention of recortar the terms and is achieving it. Now, it will be necessary to see if it keeps this rhythm and if the medical services of the Barcelona give him the seen well to be able to confront to the Frenchmen.

I hammered it will be smart for the turn of the eighth

In case that it was not smart for the gone, the aim of Hammered will be to be to 100% of face to the turn, that will be when the Barça play his options to be in chambers. The barcelonistas will visit to the PSG the Wednesday 10 March in the Park of the Princes and Gerard expects to be in this announcement and in this eleven. It will be necessary to be to the so much of his recovery, that until the moment goes wind in stern.