Pjanic's words of calm after his positive for coronavirus
Published:24/08/2020 - 08:35h
Updated:24/08/2020 - 08:35h
Miralem Pjanic wanted to convey a message of tranquility to his followers and to all of Barcelona after his positive for coronavirus. The Bosnian has made it clear that he is fine, that he is asymptomatic and that everyone should take care of themselves
"Yesterday Miralem Pjanic subjected to a proof PCR after suffering some annoyances. The player finds in good condition of health and is isolated in his domicile". Of this way explained the FC Barcelona in a communiqué that the midfield player of Tuzla there was positive die by coronavirus. An important problem that will do that his incorporation delay 15 days more by prevention until it happen the illness.
The news has given a lot of what speak since it did official and therefore the own player has wanted to go out to the step to explain how finds . The already ex mediocampista of the Juventus of Turín used his account in the social network Twitter to communicate with all his followers and with the barcelonismo to the complete. The bosnio commanded a message of optimism and tranquility, and confirmed that it does not have symptoms.
"I want to reassure to all those that concern by my, am well and luckily am asintomático. What teach us these days is that we can not give at all by seated. Are calm and respect the rules. We see us prompt", wrote Pjanic. Words that leave clear that is well, but that it is fully conscious of the situation of pandemia that lives and that goes to take his total recovery very seriously.
I want to reassure to all those that concern by my, am well and luckily am asintomático. What us ensañan these days is that we can not give at all by seated. We are calm and respect the rules ?
— Miralem Pjanic (@Miralem_Pjanic) August 23, 2020
We see us prompt ?❤️ pic.twitter.com/mzcgfjdtk1
It is necessary to signal that it was the own footballer the one who asked that they did him these proofs PCR for descartar that had the virus. The Balkan began to find badly this past Saturday and preferred saver at first hand if it could be infected. This Sunday called him with the results and communicated him that yes it had the illness, something that propició his isolation and the communiqué of the Barça.
It will be necessary to see how goes his recovery and how much takes in recovering , since it will not be able to go out of Italy until then. Inside two weeks, the international by Bosnia will have to happen two proofs that confirm that it no longer has the coronavirus. Only then it will have total freedom to travel and land in Barcelona, where will expect him with the open arms to initiate the pre-season.
Pjanic Will be important in the Barça of Koeman
It expects that Pjanic was indisputable for Ronald Koeman this campaign in the centre of the field. Frenkie Of Jong will be titularísimo with the Dutch, by what the one of Tuzla will occupy another of the squares in the half. it is speaking That the Dutch trainer could bet by a double pivote formed by both players, something that definitely would revolutionise to the group barcelonista, more accustomed to play with a mediocentro and two interiors.