After reaching an agreement with the Swedish platform of content on line, Spotify, like main sponsor, the FC Barcelona continues in his management to expand his wallet of sponsors. In this occasion, would be available the sleeve of the Barcelona T-shirts, a space that occupied Beko, mark that, to the equal that Rakuten, will say goodbye at the end of the season.
In accordance with the information published by 'Esport 3', the club expects to receive some 15 million euros by course, in addition to some variables, for stamping his logo in the sleeves of the masculine clothing and the backside of the equipaciones used in the sessions of training. Again, as it already occurred with Spotify, the sponsorship would have a greater scope.
The directive of the Barça has the aim to seal the pact in the next days, with the end to have already defined his wallet of auspiciantes before it finalise the season in course. At present, the Turkish signature Beko contributes some 12 million euros by year to the Catalan entity only by his presence in the T-shirts of training, previously also occupied space in the sleeve.
In spite of that still desconoce the name of the mark that will be present in this part the elastic Barcelona, Xavi Fields has advanced that the negotiations go very very directed and could demorar, when a lot, two months. The Barcelona team received until 20 million euros before the sanitary crisis by this same package of sponsorship.
The Barça continues looking for new income
While the agreement with Spotify keeps waiting for his approval in the Assembly of Compromisarios, the executive train keeps in management for maximizar the income. The 'operation gone out' and the agreements with new sponsors would form part of the strategy of Laporta with these ends. In the case of Spotify, main sponsor, the profit is of 70 million euros by season.