"It has showed "

The most felt letter and moving of Bartomeu to the barcelonismo

Published:23/05/2016 - 21:21h

Updated:23/05/2016 - 21:24h

The president of the FC Barcelona, Josep Maria Bartomeu, wrote a letter for the fans where under the reiteration of the "has showed ", the maximum Barcelona leader appealed to the pride of the team and fans in front of the successes of this course

Calendar of FC Barcelona

"It has showed , it has showed ", it reiterates the president of the FC Barcelona, Josep Maria Bartomeu, to the hour to write a direct letter to the heart of all the barcelonistas. A writing where the leader blaugrana celebrates the success of the conquest of the "doublet" this 2015-2016 and remembers to myths of the club that have gone this campaign as they are Johan Cruyff or Manel Vich.

This is the whole letter of the president Bartomeu:

It finishes the course with the enormous satisfaction to having achieved the seventh doublet of the history of the Barça. In addition to the League and the Glass of Rey, the list of winners will say that the season 2015/16 have won also the Supercopa of Europe and the World-wide Glass of Clubs of the FIFA. Four big titles, put no reached by any another team in this period. Inside some years, when somebody review the data, will say that according to the statistics this has been a big season. The titles are very important, is truth, but is not it everything: it has showed , once again, that the Barça is a different club, only, the best of the world.

It has showed that have a team, formed by players and technicians that do not renounce to a way to play own and admired in everything, committed and with a big capacity of sacrifice, that has carried us to not giving any competition by stray.

It has showed that have the best fans of the world, because they have known to be always at the side of the team, even in the hardest situations, without desfallecer never.

It has showed that all together, partners and followers, are a club that in difficult moments knows to value, love and homenajear to his, from the most famous, as Johan Cruyff, until those that during decades have been doing with discretion his work, as Manel Vich.

It has showed that, by a lot of noise that want to generate around the FC Barcelona, with the sanction of the FIFA, with attacks that arrive often also of people and extraneous sectors to the sport, the Barça looks forward, competes and wins.

And it has showed that the Barça, the only club of world-wide scope that keeps on being property of his partners, has some glorious fans. I want to appreciate to all the fans, and, particularly, to the partners, the support to the team and, especially, that do not have desfallecido neither fallen in provocations in the most complicated moments.

In relation with the sad episode of the prohibition of the flags esteladas, want to share a passage of what said the Sunday to the directors of the Seville FC and the Spanish Federation in my intervention in the previous breakfast to the final of the Glass of Rey:

"I do not know to you, but to me it seems me anachronistic and poignant that a universal right and that many of which are here defended when we were youngsters have to be invoked today, in full 21st century: the right to the freedom of expression.

In front of this big party of the football, have been able to see like extraneous people to the world of the sport have preferred to create conflicts where there are not them, and have wanted to organise a war of flags, in place to boost the sportive spirit.

Visca The Barça and visca Catalonia!