CR7 and the Madrid already would know it
They filter that Cristiano Ronaldo will be the new Balloon of Gold 2016!
Published:6/12/2016 - 12:39h
Updated:6/12/2016 - 12:40h
It jumps the surprise in the international football when knowing that "France Football" would have given him already the Balloon of Gold 2016 to the attacker Cristiano Ronaldo. Besides, they ensure that so much the player like the Real Madrid already would know the news
In the middle of his tumultuosa sportive extra situation that lives at present, Cristiano Ronaldo could receive a good news in the next days. As it informs the newspaper "MD", would have filtered that the new winner of the Balloon of Gold 2016 would be the forward of the Real Madrid.
This same information sustains that the own player and his club already know at first hand the news. Therefore, and as they dictate the canons, some envoys of "France Football" will displace to the capital of Spain to proceed to the traditional interview with the attacker before delivering him the prize and make the corresponding photography.
The steps of the magazine gala is that this Monday twelve December, and through the television of the group "L'Instrument 21", begin to desvelarse the name of the winner. It will do desvelando the votes of the jury of the magazine that delivers the prize beginning by the last of the list of 30 candidates until the first.
A Balloon of Gold given by collective titles
Although the performance of Christian this year is not being, neither much less, the best of his career, seem to be that the collective prizes have weighed a lot in the vote. This Champions League achieved with the Madrid and the Eurocopa with Portugal would have cost him to be appointed Balloon of Gold. At all that see with a Messi that individually it has showed to be above all. The Argentinian will finish second, always according to this information.
By what does to the third place, east will be struggled by Antoine Griezmann and the culés Neymar Júnior and Luis Suárez, The curious of the election of the magazine gala is that in this no only prevail the sportive merits, but also the behaviour of the players out of the field. There where say that the Portuguese would have evaded 150 million euros...