All the world knows that so much Cristiano Ronaldo like Leo Messi will play the two prestigious prizes to better player of the year 2016. The two, in theory and as they inform from different means, would arrive equalised to the votes of experts and mates of profession. However, there is something that could decant the scales for one of the two.
And it is that as all human being, the recent memories are used to to prevail more in the imaginary community that the past, as if it was by merits during all the year to the crack rosarino would give him both awards. However, and with the big campaign mediática that has CR7 behind, seems that both will decide the prizes with the last clashes before they close the periods of vote.
As while the Balloon of Gold of "France Football" closes on 25 November, the prize "The Best" of the FIFA will do the same the 22 of the same month. With this, to Leo remain him parties more difficult but also in front of rivals of entity that can him does to shine.
Unlike a Christian to the that like thrilling party only remains him a derbi Madrilenian in front of the Athletic of Madrid the next nineteen November. These are the parties for both:
Calendar of Leo Messi
- 5 November, Seville-Barça (League)
- 10 November, Brazil-Argentina (World-wide-2018)
- 15 November: Argentina-Colombia (World-wide-2018)
- 19 November: Barça-Málaga (League)
- 23 November: Celtic-Barça (Champions)
Calendar of Cristiano Ronaldo
- 5 November, R. Madrid-Leganés (League)
- 13 November, Portugal-Latvia (World-wide-2018)
- 19 November: At. Madrid-R. Madrid (League)
- 22 November: Sporting Portugal-R. Madrid (Champions)