An ex guardameta of the Barça between the years 2014 and 2016 went out to criticise to the Barcelona group. After his stay in the club, the goalkeeper was fichado by the Manchester City where played during four seasons and later left due to the fact that it did not execute an important role in the team. Finally, the Chilean went in to the Betis until this summer after finish his agreement with the institution verdiblanca.

During the program, 'The Legated', Claudio Bravo began saying that it does not like him how manages the FC Barcelona: "The Barça works like a team pequeñito", said the one of Viluco in front in front of the presenter. Act followed, the put recognised that the club chaired by Joan Laporta "is gigantic to world-wide level" to the equal that the Real Madrid.

"Madrid and Barça have to be the biggest to level mediático, to level of popularity the most known", commented the goalkeeper. Later, the archer recognised that so much the madridistas like the culés can fill stadiums in any part of the world. However, the interviewed cleared that the club blaugrana has a problem regarding his direction and administration.

Claudio Bravo desgranó the subject

During the talk, the goalkeeper explained why questions to the Barcelona entity and to his directive: "The Barça is gigantic, but internally is very small, see always the same faces, few people: players, staff, three or four policemen, the cook and little more", commented the interviewed. In this context, the archer took advantage of the occasion to compare the club blaugrana with the 'citizens'.

"Instead you go to the Manchester City is a gigantic club internally, giant. His level of resources is boundless", explained Claudio Bravo in the Chilean program. Some seconds afterwards, the goalkeeper explained that in the English team there are "people in the swimming pool, people in the changing room, people in the medical area, people in the gymnasiums".

Even, the archer commented that the English have all the financial muscle so that the players prepared of the best possible way. In this sense, the guardameta sustained that the City offers to his footballers, the best fisioterapeutas and preparadores physical of gymnasium with the aim to develop an excellent project in the field of game. Of this way, the Chilean left very clear that does not have the best memory of his go through the FC Barcelona.