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The date on which LaLiga 2021-22 will start is already known

Published:13/05/2021 - 20:20h

Updated:13/05/2021 - 20:20h

LaLiga Santander clubs have already approved the calendar dates for the start and end of the next campaign, 2021-2022

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The season 2021-2022 of LaLiga Santander already is near to begin and are desvelando the most important details so that the clubs include them in his respective planficaciones. The Board of division of First already has doom green light to the calendar of parties of the next course, that had been presented during the morning of this Thursday to the teams, after the first approaches with the AFE.

It has been able to know that the Spanish championship will start the second weekend of August, the days 14 and 15, with the possibility that it play a party the day 13, Friday, by subjects of the television rights of LaLiga. Like this then , after a very atypical season, would be returning to the usual date of the beginning of the season, that saw affected in the present course with the irruption of the Covid-19 and the reform of the calendars along the campaign.

Besides, also it knows that the clubs have approved that the tournament finish the weekend of the 21 and 22 May 2022, as sucederá in the present edition of LaLiga, although it will be conditioned by the final of the UEFA Champions League 2021-2022, that for the moment is foreseen to contest on 28 May in St. Petersburg, as it already had announced the organism rector of the European football does already a time.

The holidays and the paper of the RFEF

For the moment, it is planned that lto last day of the 2021 contest the days 22 and 23 December, before Navidad, so that the players, technicians and members of the clubs can have his respective holidays in the weekend and go back to the film, to play, possibly from 2 January. A very different situation to what lived in this course, in which the players grieve had rest.

Finally, although already the clubs have approved the calendar, only treats of a proposal that now the managers have to move to the Real Spanish Federation of Football so that they can arrive to an agreement, as it establishes the agreement of coordination signed by LaLiga and the federation, in which it demands an agreement between both parts and the Association of Spanish Footballers (AFE).